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In the end I am also told of how much my activities make it difficult to control Crime and even Criminals in the Law enforcement system i.e. Criminal in Prison – I couldn’t understand why the idea my activity made it worse was more plausible than psychopaths who cannot take it themselves on Media going off to befriend criminals in prison and showing up to threaten, abuse, grab fame and income margins all day long with their stupid media perceived to be doing less anyway. The reality of the matter is that due to my activities, it has now become obvious to people that racism is not the right thing to do i.e. racism is what I did with my past but there are things which have happened in society since which show that it is not the right thing to do – while these goons were the ones that told us they understood the gravity of these social and cultural evils and were intelligent enough to behave differently. They have always suggested that its me passing up a history of slavery and slave trade while reality is more a matter of the fact that people are usually punished by the State for racism and while they are spending time inventing all that nonsense that will help them get away with it, wasn’t it time that the ethnic minorities stopped picking on a white people as well? Besides I appear to have done a lot to show I have passed up slavery and slave trade like it never happened by making sure they could build those stupid popular culture industry pipelines and run it from the US to Japan across this Hermitage without problems. The other side of the story being stupid women having a go at me all the time due to my size not being compatible with the kinds of trouble I seek, as stupidly as possible but its an old story about what will drive them up to make out I am a Child which is usually due to what I have been told is a selective memory I have, after being dragged out of University to sit about reacting to their stupidities due to the fact I have not had sexual experience and then will I get off on an angle over their case and that of those men they threaten me with and want to see them get right to the bottom of those activities as well. I could never understand why women think the business of surrounding themselves with men that are bigger than I am is a license for passing profitable insults at me all together anyway but we all know I have a history of being hated at this stage, since the point at which Government spent tax payer funds on them to help them out with their financial problems was not the stage at which they were in need of money and self confidence tackling me for it like that all the time and in like manner am I good at finding them back breaking work that will pay them nothing too – it’s the same way Hollywood says that criminals buy more films than I do whenever they think that I am about to give up a Royal Commission Literary Empire to their insanity as well and then the lies about who is responsible along with the power of money gimmick will run uncontrollably thereafter, such that I am asked why it targets me all the time of which the reasons are that they have now taken up roles at the security services and hate my guts because they have, yet the behaviour continues of making stupid people rich on the Royal Public image they could afford, making sure nothing works as nature intended and that we all smelled. Whereby I do get told it would be nice if I got a break from it, which I do not need, as I can get in and out of it any time I wish; these guys are so stupid that somebody will go off to Africa to trade for instance and will have an unsavoury experience with some Africans, what they then do is return to the UK and this experience must have occurred some 30 years ago but have they been waiting all that time for a black person that understands, whose life they will wreck and show up at the other end of the Tunnel suckled and renewed – I mean they have never once given an explanation for their actions while claiming I am responsible, reality of which is that my frustration is that they have suggested they acknowledge the existence of social and cultural evils that should not exist but we are having to deal with the evils they have invented, lies told on media to decide what perception conditions the Public into believing their version of the story as well, such that if they wish to ensure these frustrations of mine as not taken into account by making the fact I am an Arch Prince and they are not important less relevant, the results we have is that they do this to ensure everybody else has more problems than usual while they have more convenience than they need, looking like business men that the USA supports too but these are the results, what is now most important is the business of securing an explanation from them for the behaviour, in much the same way those who get involved with me but not for my Books need to provide one, no idea what these are always complaining about when they are so good at needlessly contributing to problems like we see them do anyway and let’s not forget those who disturb with the whole working of the incredible Dog play that all the rest operate by, they are in control of my last straw situations so to speak with a big mouth.
I like to say I am looking forward to a time when this place will be quiet enough for people to simply read Books. The mockery here will be that I have not yet found a way out of the mess I got myself into which is utter nonsense – nobody knows why their grandparents want to play stupid hurtful practical jokes on me all day long anyway, especially on State provided security being given me and how they think important people do not look like me, at the same time which the children run around making a mess of my writing career to attack me for getting it fixed as it annoys them due to how writers do not look like me, I am just an attention seeker who wants people to affirm that I am important, as stupidly as possible and they have been doing this the last 12 years, wrecked the academic work and finances and have not stopped, so this was before they started picking up jobs at the security services – the other side being the Celebrities, where nobody knows why although ethnic minority women make popular culture music as well, the ones white girls make is about blaming me and getting on my Public image to get their stupid heads around the business of telling me what to do. So, I am stuck with these matters as they have put it because I have Books to get off the shelves and the Books are tied to Royal work. I do get told I push too hard sometimes and it can be a problem but I don’t; we all know how Celebrity works, we know its about people getting large populations of people to be happy people and we know a case of putting up some huge apparatus by which to manufacture people into fame for the lifestyle does not work in terms of Celebrity activity itself but that said, we need the money that such individuals have, never the less we need it in the right places and I need my space.
I found it impossible to tolerate when it was mentioned that the big problem young people have with the education system in the UK are a teachers that do not expect them to do difficult things. The reality of which is always that abuse is only abuse when it is rape otherwise women can do whatever they like and stand up somewhere to mock people every move they make down to their very breathing, call them strange names and make strange sounds at them and cannot let others be which are then all an open secret and then it becomes a barrier to employment as well because it completely takes over everything people are supposed to know about you which then means they cannot never listen to what you are saying and then the part where you have a livelihood they wish to own and have men that will grab it for them comes into play and then they complain that their main problem is men due to them fact you tell them to leave you alone and the provocation takes to the media all together. It is entirely normal of course except we are talking about the fact that the problem of an entire education system is the fact teachers do not expect their stupid children to be able to do difficult things and they do need to get off it, as we all know its biggest problem is them all together.
I don’t think it a problem, we have simply reached a point where this matter of men and their girls and their media and a process of getting up there to exasperate me all the time has come to importance. It tends to have been something to them that they need to do and need to be seen doing every blessed day with that stupid media as it were and when I had warned that the personal diaries are full I made no progress so it is crunch time and I expect to finish the books and put them out there to take care of this aspect of my career and then I will return to full time study where I will be waiting for them and their women. We all know they say there is nothing I can do to that effect with that big mouth and yet we all know it’s all about gangs and the big gangs kill people and the small gangs get themselves into trouble with the big gangs and ensure it affects others that are inferior and the ambitious gangs ensure you can never feel good because either they or their girls want to own your livelihood – so does everybody know that when they start they might want to think about not getting politicians to make me look tired so they can build up stupid self confidence first and come along as they are with that big mouth. I mean the problem the entire education system faces is the part where teacher do not expect them to do difficult things.
The Politicians clearly these days want to control their own pay watchdog of course but before then The Queens pay rise was written into the state opening of Parliament so she can get up and read to the world how her Government will increase her pay – now people are after them as well and they want to ban their own pay watchdog and it is entirely typical since you can never work out what brought it about in the first place. Then we hear those talk of the need to get rid of Monarchy and people like me due to how we are powerful but pretend we are peasants but of course what I have done since this is clearly the 1990S as it were is not hurting badly enough; the 1990s where crimes of passion and a process of wanting other people’s lives to a point of hurting them and every stupid little greed unbound had a free range to do whatever it likes – they think they have alongside their stupid women who will be joining them on a reckoning over me soon enough yet, this life that they will fit me into in order to detach me from my life and use media to take it and then own it because they cannot keep their hands off other peoples person and so they also think that there are things I have done to mould them a life I will find out if I cannot force them to live as well, which I will then give up so they can run government properly with a big mouth.
In the end the great big issue is that is not just that they cannot do any powerful thing they want to do powerful people do without getting themselves somewhere near me or an effect of me or my work and property but also this need they say they have to have it explained to them how powerful people behave like peasants and take care of themselves like we British Royals do but of course being an old story of being a Christian and the fact that the powers around will not respect that side with a big mouth and as it appears of which they have no ability to do any of their power without using my stuff to do it and this is not the only provocative reasons, there is the part where they are there to enforce the will of the devil and ensure I do not act in ways that are befitting as a Christian which will make me a good person and grab attention. I had warned them the personal diaries were full but that did not make any progress; so I am going to collect trophies and then my body parts can be their plaything – either way I believe that coming round with that big mouth without getting politicians to make me look tired so they can build up self confidence is good enough a fact to bear in mind and I believe they heard me.
I am not of the opinion these matters are a major crisis; its a simple fact that these fools have an incentive for their activities which is more concerned with the fact whatever I do will never create a result where what they lose is as much as what I lose but everybody knows that all that really matters is a process where I make them loose something during the fight which creates the same effects and besides which everybody also knows that I will always find whatever it is they need to lose for me to have that effect; its the insults you see, your body parts are my plaything because I have laid out plans to dominate you and become powerful and great and important and my plan requires a process where you behave according to my needs and so there must be financial damage which their foolish children can then show off along with their stupid women as a sign the problem with the education system is that teachers do not expect them to do difficult things, when we all know their stupidities can be resolved with an acceptance that I am better than they are and respect accorded accordingly due - since these are all things I used to do for myself and entire communities as a teenager.
Now the issue of gun laws in the US is that about which it is said that my action and reaction is unacceptable; the Christian who lives in a Country where guns cannot be owned by members of the public supporting ownership of guns that kill their children. The reality of course being that in the UK the way it works is that aged 16 somebody will decide he wants to go into manual Labour aspects of Industry and so there is no point pushing him in another direction - having been some of such industries are very unstable the government has a welfare system to catch those that fall, in the US there are no welfare systems but some people still think it is standard behaviour for them to have if they decide they have a 7 year old daughter and therefore have a good reason to get around handling people and making them flexible claiming it is to ensure their daughters can live in a better world. You can only imagine that as an Adult, if you are finding it challenging somebody else must be finding it challenging as well and so that this is lock stock standard behaviour for some people in the US is quite incredible even though we know that power corrupts, the reality is what we have i.e. for some people if you get it anywhere near them you will be dead by the morning and so we cannot simply get rid of the guns to make the problem go away this behaviour must change. I mean if people enjoy cornering people and then enjoy sending lots of children from homes where parents love to go out and corner people to the same school, what do they expect - that some teenager is likely to kill those children and kill himself as well? This is an example, the list if looked into can run endlessly for the most part but the one common thing that is has is that there is always a back up activity a cover up story and that is why and how these individuals have reached a stage where each time anything happens they want to ask people to get rid of their guns. I mean mostly you feel they have been watching you all of your life, besides that old adage where you hear Americans say I don't like this guy or that guy as per the world was never enough for him and these of course will have been the ones that tell you what they are thinking, so the idea that people still behave in this way there is quite amazing but it is even more amazing they have had it all worked out that it has become the fault of others that guns are not being removed from their Country; you feel they have been watching you all of your life in the sense that they would have taken advantage of you when you were a child but there were parents to support you of course and now they will when you are an adult and need to support yourself and so you feel that whatever they are doing presently will not have been the first things they would have done to make your life such a painful mess as they possibly can without reason or to an end, only to find the end as some kind of trophy spoil from what they have made of you as well - so it is the provoking of people towards deadly violence that causes deaths of all kinds and not whether or not there are guns, when people want to kill they will kill anyway. I personally have no idea what monumental twat makes others more flexible on account they have a daughter they adore at home without considering that others have one such as well or indeed that the outcome can be horrible indeed. I personally am said to be dithering and yet I am dead already but that is utter nonsense; I am speaking from a position of having a Literary emporium with equities and securities running a large proportion of which is brokered to support people who are so far skilled and so far achieved in what they are doing that where they will end up if they fail would create greater social problems that where they would if they did not - so people cannot suggest that if three brothers in the US own a Ranch and anchor a large proportion of their activities on equities and securities made public by somebody would have applied as property that belongs to somebody they can simply trip up or push over - the question of whether I am dead and finished is best answered by the fact I was never published on Television and they need to get off my books.
The story of my worries about the rising power of black America is utter nonsense too; I am not worried about the fact the world is an evil place and people will always find excuses to justify what wickedness they plan especially as a means to an end - on this occasion black America has a President and we will hear all about it. For my part however, it is clearly not hurting badly enough and any attempt to move into my right hand and live there permanently in order to lay down popular culture pipelines will hurt many times as much yet again as it were and we might just end up doing it on the money too at the end of the day. Its never been a complicated matter - only a simple case of we are men we do men stuff and we stand against crime and criminality and we pull it off and become financial successful and successful with family life too - question question, do you want Mr Obama? He does not have to be the way he is when he says he is black and people need to get lost yet as it were, I want for my part and he and goons need to get off my Book sales.
So there is this talk that I am not an emotional person and am completely unable to feel a sense of care for others, reality of which is more a case of a collection of people whose involvement with anything means that others cannot be paid attention to, their involvement with me means I am unable to care about other people – time wasters you see and we are now at a season for getting rid of them. We see every time that the blacks want to get involved with me and factorise me by my anus all ...
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The claim is that I set off chain of events that allow Political activities that are likely to work as enmity towards me due to my race to occur and now am waiting for a point where I get into trouble so I can do vice versa as well. The reality is rather that their girls said I control their hearts and will not give up to them anything I own that they are in need of and hence these were the reasons the complains (???) I make about things that happen to me occur. I don’t think these matters are s serious issue either – they always have these their plans and will use this particular one to point to women I have at my disposal as well, like they always say I don’t stand a chance but if what I have said and written is taken in context of vigilante activity where a certain group of men act in ways that ensure there is a safe community for everybody which is something young people must stay out of and attend to their academic work, then these things I do for them can only get worse as it were; they do need to tell their stupid girls as well and keep them off me, nothing new about being stalked by men until you build an empire and they end the money up somewhere else and turn out to bandy about nonsense concerning who is supposed to be more important; they seem to have an inability to listen to what people are saying to them.
Of course we do hear the tales that I am an illiterate in Government office which sets out a bad example and it will never make sense, the truth being I was so talented and good at what I do that I was called into government service in the confidentiality of my Country and it has taken this long to finish my academic work because the Politicians and the media and goons with opinions who need their scandals to voice them and create their distraction feel it is where they will get the best of what they seek with those kinds of activities; besides if they were as clever they would go into the University to do their research and not pass their exams and then the White man would not have been able to say he is superior because they would have been qualified on the basis of their own body of knowledge; from my point of view however their insults are all very well but if they try to speak of what they know in a lay mans term the celebrities of public life and celebrities of society will rip them to pieces before their feet had touched the ground, so it does not bother me in anyway when I am the illiterate that does that in a Property Equity creative and security based Intellectual property administration Empire that I built with my own hand through a trust system with Large corporations and Industries in the world. Talking about in a more serious way would mean a process of saying such things as; we have reached a point where freedom violence of Africans and the fascism of the Arian Race and the Private part insults of the Asians and Middle East idiots, the unwaivering loutish nonsense of Western freedom fools with strange opinions about people who have government work to do that helps them with their imaginary sodomy and the never dying need of Community tyrants to show support for them is becoming more and more and more distasteful to us all as a peoples of the world – all these things are evil and we do tire of them.