Now it is said I am responsible for instability in the Country which does not make any sense – what we have is constant rewards and publicity for every git that makes strange gestures and insults whenever others do something with respect to government business and public service, following up revenge for not being able to get corrupt with financial benefits attached by claiming when people recover it is provocative because people recover at their expense, then make out its now part of their identity and civil rights to behave in such ways. I could never understand why it is my fault anyway, unless I considered the business of those abuses from media and industry twerps about how I have not yet given into their demands and wishes meaning I am asking for trouble with that big mouth they have got. I mean if they were concerned about instability I could help i.e. its usually a matter of culture and society trouble makers being controlled and another group of goons with ideas about when I am going to do something about it showing up here to be the boss and guess who complains about these matters the most all together. I mean I am an Arch Prince now said to have a problem with simple patience and yet I find it easy to just sit down in a single spot doing and thinking of nothing for 4 hours without feeling tired when I get up, except I have to suspend being me and spend time thinking about the reasons I am sore all over on account these goons were unable to keep their hands to themselves and I was being used for a convenience seeking purpose or another.

It feeds into this other case of it being said that I do not agree with Armed Forces people when they tackle these matters which is not essentially true; Armed Forces tackling civilians in dabbling into the domain of the Government, besides which it is messy for them as its usually a case of relationships people have with their children and vice versa – I manage mine by building a work court of women which the parents are aware of, allowing me to get a sense of what is happening all round. The main problem of the Armed Forces is Fashion trouble makers and I may be asked why I think that to be the case but we see that if I deal with society and culture trouble makers making a mess of my duties, it will have concerned money, work and derogatory behaviour in a municipal environment or that when I handle culture and society trouble makers within an eventuality whereby somebody spent money on them to make trouble for me, it usually leads to a case of popular culture, stock market and political opportunism worked by goons who think the age of 50 for most people is a luxury bullying people at work, whereby if I fell in love with them they will fight my battles which usually indicates they are damaged people but these fashion goons should I tackle them usually leads straight up to a case of getting after the Armed Forces and then we find later that the purpose of daytime Television as far as they were concerned, was to pick on completely innocent members of the Public especially when they have not had any sleep for years. Its not clear how taking their pictures on my public image for the magazines becomes more important than my Royal duties as such but this seems to be the prevalent behaviour and I am becoming more and more convinced that unless I had tackled them as well as the society goons financially, it will never come to a stop.

I do get told I had become quite unforgiving even though I cannot do anything about what bothers me when I give information to goon who work Celebrity culture to build the idea I had lost my career and livelihood to their fame freaks on Media by all the time but as obviously indicated, should I get three months break from their stupidities I should easily return to my usual temperament and stop looking like I became part of a gang while idiots who want spiritual powers that can make them rich run rings around my public image as I make everybody I meet nervous and they want to talk about which Royal Estate I need to abandon and which Books I need to stop Publishing like a research on how stupid human beings can be.



  • Royal duty at HH The Arch Prince's Office.
  • Financial securitisation.
  •  Current Tyranny influened threats of corruption - papers in functional aesthetics.

Showing category "resources" (Show all posts)


Posted by Ikpe Uno on Thursday, April 2, 2015,

It has not been made clear who came up with the idea that the UK economy was a zero hours economy but we have heard that talk rather frequently; I mean even in the US and in Africa where the climate is such that people can sleep in a car or an open park bench in their three piece until morning without a health issue they do not have zero hours economy in those parts of the world no matter how greedy and financially stupid and abusive people are. For the Politicians I like to think it is their...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Wednesday, January 9, 2013, In : Crime, Business, Politics and Anti-Law excuses 

For the media ones and the Political connection I do not think most of their activities are a serious matter, unlike the idea they make out all the time they are my biggest problem. I wish to be able to control their movements on a global stage because they will not leave alone my work and I am aware they have connections with top members of the royal family for their actions and like to tell me I will have been damaged in the head to try but I do wonder what it means anyway when they are sti...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Monday, May 28, 2012, In : HH The Arch Prince's Review - Fame and fortune 


Some speak of these threats from city people that I face and attacks from them which are relentless and without reason which of course I am myself aware of. The truth is that with every act of attacking people is always a revelation of what they are thinking and how they go about it; they may do it to the point where they talk rubbish like not knowing why the person they abuse is so good to them but the fact remains that they reveal so much about themselves by it, wh...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Sunday, April 15, 2012, In : Party life, Tyranny and Civil theft and robbery 

I am not paranoid about how anybody that moves is trying to be famous. The reality is that I do not consider these people to be famous; famous people or celebrities always have two lives, one has to do with something they do which means people know who they are and the other has to do with their real lives. These guys do not have two lives what they have is a culture and a means of getting in touch with idiot in a certain industry which provides them with a lot of money giving them leverage...

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They and their Politicians however especially black people are still operating on Royal Property squander mode around here anyway; their most important point of call however still is that of the slower reduction of deficit and how I need to be targeted for selling austerity for those that are doing it – I wouldn’t know since there is no other more important point about the economy right now than the level of National debt we have got and hence we thus need economic leadership that tells us that paying it off is the most important reason for us all to have a job and a career, if we had our way it would have been a simple case of canals being blocked and overgrown and word being sent out into local communities to rally people to do something about it kind of situation. So apparently these idiots want to do their own stuff and want the authorities and law enforcement to stay out of their business and their hatred of the system but whilst that is the case their Industry idiots understand the way to make their stupid mature businesses profitable as becoming strangers in other peoples personal lives while spending money on celebrities never mind the number of years their socialist idiots have been spending tax payer funds on these idiots and their celebrities to begin with in the first place and then they finish it off with stories about a service they perform by controlling these celebrities which makes no sense since their outlook for making money in indoors and not outdoors as it were, while they and their Politicians cannot do anything without leaning on me so I can make sure their dreams of keeping the authorities and law enforcement out of their business is never realised as well as it were – so the hint is therefore that they need to get out there and make money and pay taxes and pay off the National debt and it does not make sense if their outlook considering the cultural services that makes them so important they feel like telling me what to do means their outlook is making money from the pockets of people here at home, according to payment of National debt this is unacceptable and unsustainable, they need to get out there and find peoples personal lives in which they can be strangers overseas and then with that make music CDs about others and make money to pay taxes and pay off debts, otherwise they will keep their insults to themselves or they will find out around here how National debt gets paid off too. It could be that I am bluffing or they could leave me alone or accept they are about to find out it does get a lot less funny at some point, especially when it concerns paying off National debts as well.

In terms of the story of tax evasion however, its always the great old matter of getting the rest of the world to operate in the same par as the British so as to make the British lower taxes so they can make a killing; so I have no idea what they expect me to do since the government has to decide if it wants the Country to have a welfare state or get rid of it and let businesses deal with popular culture on their own so as to allow them pay less taxes, otherwise they will have to lump it anyway for instance. I personally don’t have a problem with it, I simply don’t want my Royal renaissance and or my Christian Personal life peddled in the same way I don’t want them plugging anything into the markets of my literary empire: they do like to make out I have not got a clue what I am doing of course and it is much the same as those claims they make that they control me giving rise to violence I suffer from them on media because people think they do when they don’t. The result in this sense when Companies broker equities with me, they investigate and find out what I am doing and when paid to run advertisement pill off the part that is my equities for their own use because they have media that is controlling and owns me, and if they collect four to five of these multimillion pound advertisements, they become millionaires themselves and set out a master plan for buying shares in companies so they can control them as well while owning me alongside it – so that the products cannot be the products and the products are not everything anymore and when they do it people become miserable no matter what they buy but they keep doing it and hence pretend that they are a problem for me that I cannot solve and that coupled with the threats does mean it will blow up in their faces as well along with that popular culture sharing my possessions anyway whether I like it or not story; I mean it is clear that unless I do it I will not be selling any books, books which I can sell without spending money on advertisement as it were and it is not that I am unwilling to, its just that these activities and with them around my sales completely bottoms out and the story of who is more important than I am takes precedence which does nothing but give me ideas on how I want to explain away their businesses to the rest of the world as well. So I want the products from the Industries to be what they are i.e. the products that were put out especially when my equities are involved for all intents and purposes, I will not stand for a game of ownership of my products or literary empire and the peddling of my royal renaissance and my Christian personal life by which that is supposed to have happened and if they want to stay out of trouble with me need to stop threatening me – this is tax evasion and tax avoidance in precise; so that when we hear nobody wants black boy’s equities in their white Communities, I do hear what they are saying but they need to stop squeezing the products – it has now come down to a touch and buy policy here so I don’t get accused of planning a life on the pockets of the Millionaires of the white communities just yet, for it was always that cheap thereof.