I am informed that I still faced a lot of challenges with my career and yes I understand but at the same time people say I put a brave face on it when in reality I don’t actually have a history of being stopped when I attacked the gits responsible, so what is really happening is a matter of where and when I reached a decision to respond. I had a choice to get a job and get better it or hang about my Books and make it their civil right to cling to my earnings, have opinions about my Books and get crowd involved in their opinions – the effect is the same issue which response they get pushes them off to complain on a global stage I.e. following me around to make a mess of my career and then starting a mini war whenever I had otherwise put out a product, it will be the main reason that I will kick them again as it were.

The other group of ageist idiots had since made it their civil rights job to raise points of assumptions I made about relations between Countries naturally, which assumptions either way was none of their business, while reality is that we know Communist Governments were meant to make Communist Policy likewise democratic Governments making Democratic Policy, whereby we had since reached a stage where we did not know which was which on account they had needs and cared for the wars. The effect of this nonsense naturally being a suggestion that those who were not the majority population in the world would suffer the most and the effect being that as applied to me, when people made their choices I made mine too and they had another alternative, which was to get a job and get better at it to make money, last time we checked. So far I had worked out that if the Kremlin and the White House did not get along in a certain way, their stupid racism was impacted badly, gone on to ensure it was my boy and his toy thing as well with respect to being dug out of the hole I called home and made to feel it was not mine anymore, on account their stupidities were trying to get paid for being popular. The Muslims were happy to work with the Celebrities if they had a punching bag naturally and I have ended up where I began decades ago over my Intellectual property administration Trust because they were real men and very good at building communities that get imagination up peoples bums to steal the time and then the income margins, never mind their contribution to my University fiasco years back – now complaining about me endlessly since last I had been writing Books about taking responsibility for the events in the Middle East, to such an extent that they now have overweening responsibilities at social issues concerning asylum seekers etc, that said which the insults like their white Counterparts continues still, as a matter of choices they had made – same as black people who are always dreaming of me being a target, as a matter of something I did contribution to damage done to a small business while they were backed by a Crowd, hates my guts and the damage done to the effectiveness of those stupid communities as well – my pals the Celebrities were a two faced one, a certain part being about business world gits with idea about being entitled to other people’s career having a go at me each time I stepped outside of my door, as a matter of spending everything I had, whereby they appeared to have had Unions that put money in a Pot and sends out one person to run me down until it was either done or my lifestyle was wrecked, allowing them to make the most of my income margins on the lifestyle front, then there was the other part being directly linked to the University fiasco which was about a need to show up at criminal backyards and get paid for being popular on my social life, it never stopped running off the abusive big brother anus fingering imagination and corruption of private security industry gimmicks at me, which the rest listed above get to make the most of as well, I had since learned that these were things that Law enforcement got up to when getting the job done and so that had been wasted on me as well, while it complains that I want to get to the bottom of their stupidities as a matter of my own career as well. So it does come down to a two part story of American fools and their ageist gits getting jobs and getting better at the jobs, not forming stupid opinions about assumptions I made with regards to relations between countries when none asked them a question on it especially – the rest might continue to make the choice of tackling me to get paid for being popular, rather than get a job and get better at it, I will continue to prioritise their wellbeing over my social life too for my part as it were. It should be seen in context the way that I see it I suppose; all these issues arise because these fools think that if they owned the Country, its social Policy, its Economic Policy and its trading arrangements, that would add up to the only situation in which they were able to concentrate on what they were doing and to be successful with it, first they owned it without being disturbed, then they gambled it and chased mine, which is now about to end badly, while the Politicians who claimed they were nice people are actually doing any Politics these days as well.

They love to garnish every one of those stupid tests I had to face every Hour with gimmicks about my inaccurate views on racism; we know that the racists had since helped them build that stupid civil rights community where they were able to gain access to people’s career and work, to make decisions by and that this was the main obsession. I do not think it a crisis either, just another stage upon which people will complain of my actions globally I suppose – the same old story where people knew that if rather than get a career and get better at it, they chose to work on others, trash the career and finances over the other more financially practical processes of chasing the trapping of Celebrity culture that is usually mainly a matter of people deciding what their fellow members of the public will fight and get killed for – something the Prince of Wales has always been obsessed with and now having gone off to do his own wars because of me, cannot see the risk of criminal society gits telling me how to exist, especially as he acquires more authority for his position. I as such am only concerned that they have not yet learned to take seriously when I warn that it will end very badly; it works on me instead of get a job and get better at the job: works on me and the process becomes more vicious as it gains more position and work responsibility, then it gets more vicious socially as it begins to think that it needed to ensure I did not resist and the entire time, they claimed I smell and it will get me into trouble, thus there is enough pressure to provide them with a reaction. Same dangerous game of cracked up out of my league catching me on the loo and building communities that get imagination up my bum, that will be more vicious than the ones I have mentioned above, as he got about finding ways to get paid for being popular at criminal backyard, progressing what was originally a process of ignoring their need to make money by handling me because they loved to show signs they would kill people if they were unable to, into something of a result where they have the money but will not go away and I will handle them because I had to resolve the financial mess they made for me while the result for them will be plain suffering through retirement. The bane of this is still the need to address me in an unusual manner and a general lack of respect for my career – something that can be stopped by making it clear none was entitled to my career, by working a social gap; there is currently 5 years of stagnation because of these activities and they have had fun with it up to National Media and stolen everything about my life to share with Celebrities, all the way down to my diet. All this have been brought about by the insults, I will have my Office when they say so – now we have entered the serious part where the situation is that the jobs that public security operatives did, was something some people decided was a threat to them, therefore they set about damaging that job every time they saw it and when public security operatives faced complicated tasks and situations, the job had already been damaged – kick them whenever they look the part and that would mean trouble on the rules, come up with contingencies and racists will get all over it. I mean the term disruption if we are talking about devising conditions for industrial activity where gathering information on National security was possible and operable, we would be using a gross understatement to describe what is really a process of taking risks with the lives of people who are keeping the Public safe. All of these are under control and working perfectly, our only problem is that these idiots were engaged in a business of stealing ideas and way of living that they can sell to Celebrities as secure show business products and lifestyle, so something had to explode, if not me, then my heart and if they had since built a public phenomenon that I smelled and it interfered with their plans to get paid for being popular on my social life, then they must be fully aware of what their stupidities were doing. We listen to the claim it was part of Governmental control and something Politicians approved but we also know that if a mess is not made of my finances, they would not be claiming that I am only an Arch Prince if they were to so.

I have been told that I never really address this idea that I am a useless person and a waste of space which I have not naturally but I am not a useless person and a waste of space, as a matter of my Royal Office either; what is happening is more a matter of picking out a bad neighbourhood to help me write Books, only for a handful of gits with media jobs to conjure up a gimmick where their Celebrity culture stupidities that helped them decide what fellow members of the public fought and died for over claims on what they deserved because they had money to spend on themselves, as stupidly as possible, assed up to activities that have stagnated everything here, from my personal life to my finances, which they maintain through abusive comments made about my own concerns while their own stared them in the face, main process being the need to collect what I am doing and sell it to Celebrities as the form of security that famous idiots like themselves were being denied. I do not think it is a crisis either, they all think it is amusing and will continue to be, for as long as I had not turned my financial wellbeing into a tool for causing them a lot of harm. I lost my temper a few days ago and in two days what I was thinking about doing had soon developed into a matter of facing down the goons at the work place, who always upon setting eyes on me, turn fellow employees on me abusively, because they were making a case of my Books and how they would like to spend my Public image to get rich fast – the part where it developed into the matter of them being the financially successful ones that were made to join the Military or were forced to get involved with the security services – the rest being a handful of idiots whose need to make statements at me about their foolish culture and society, only to move back into that space that had been built around my personal life through violent lasciviousness, like some criminal activity that is happening in my backyard, to get imagination up my bum and fool around with their famous gits over it, never stopped doing it while complaining about me, they believed that after being hit with such a difficult cultural indemnity to deal with, which trashes my finances, I will get into trouble for the way I had responded and I think they might if they wanted, when my actions hurt badly enough, tell me about it and tell me well or get out of it, if their stupidities were aware I will make them uncomfortable. Eventually we hear them say there was a question of what I would do if the answer to the matter was to be decided immediately and without revenge, but it was always a simple matter of something I have said to their famous madness many times i.e. I did not write a novel and I did not write a celebrity autobiography, their thieving stupidities needed to be aware I wrote Books of equities, keep their imagination off my private parts and get a copy: to which effect we know what has emerged is something people say I needed to stop speaking about in such a relaxed way, as it was incredibly vile but it is I.e. the question of what is meant to be the outcome of me being so aware of my spiritual state that they could not possess me with evil, so they have followed it on via means of showing up near my Books to ensure the rest of the Public could not engage with it while building versions of their stupidities around it, the biggest being that the Books existed to get others fighting my wars and if I disputed it, they spent the security getting rich fast, such that I have been possessed not by evil but by love and none knows how such stupidities were likely to end in their view. I have lowered the price for my Books many times and it still had not appealed to any famous idiot, so I want them to stay out of now or I will turn the business of selling it into a process of getting out of bed to say that they had done it again i.e. following me around to make a mess of the career and start a mini war when I put out a product, the results which I suspect, will not be pretty. So some people have said that I needed to stop thinking about the matter as that which may cause them harm as it is pointless to worry about it but if I did the deaths would be unimaginable, as I would pick up a campaign to say I am not responsible for their personal decisions while they ran off their gimmicks, we will go opposite directions and all that will be left, will be their reputation as bad people growing and growing – it needs to stay away from me and its famous idiots need stop making statements that suggest they handle my Office and hermitage to decide how the public used it, or this nonsense is set to end very badly indeed. This was not the original question however, the original question it should be noted, is that of whether I am a useless waste of space, which question it is said, I never really respond to. They always say that German influence idiots got the better of me, which beats the imagination as current public life state of affairs would suggest otherwise – the real problem is that the Media and celebrities have not stopped trashing my finances by making statements about my personal and social life as a matter of security that they deserved because they had money to spend on their stupid selves, leaving me a reputation du to being sick of it, as somebody who smells; it now needs to make statements and comments about its own social life and public image which is far more attractive or I will end it very badly for my part in the matter too – either way which they were more aware of insults and abuses that German influence gits pass at me and needed to do something about it, not tell me what to do.

They do tell people that it should be noted I had rejected all offer of assistance but they are not a threat to me, I am simply never seen it before i.e. fooling around with another person’s finances while maintaining a public image that suggests they were not a handful of criminals, was the biggest joke in the world – it is becoming a matter of keeping their earnings to quit while winning or they got to find out if wrecking my deal with the Royal Family and the Monarchy did not come with consequences – a simple matter of their need to Celebrity culture gimmicks where they got to decide what their fellow members of the Public fought and died for because they had money or the other side which involved getting stuck with the dirty jobs at the security services. The claim that I cannot back this up is built on dream world, where they follow me around to make a mess of my career, to start a mini war when I put out a product for the market place, unaware that they are not supposed to handle my concerns even in their own turf, or I will pick up a problem with their earnings and get out of bed with a state of mind that says they have done it again every day, until the Bookshop pulled through. They have come to love those stories about seeing me suffering under the effects of the fact they were more powerful. They are not, just a bunch of sociopaths and when the other group of gits who run academic systems where they teach children to get imagination up my bum and claim I am a bum because they were clinging to my social life to make money by, get on it, they claim these were the same as psychopaths whilst we know that the former are pervert uncles who always need to befriend you for all the wrong reasons, interest in me being that it had been impossible to befriend me, while the other fools who looked like they needed help from an exorcist, pushed for it, clinging to my earnings over claims they were fighting for democratic freedom – the latter being goons that are likely to shoot off their mouth about the extent of your power all the time. For every 100 there is likely to be a rapist in the case of sociopaths and for psychopaths a serial killer, I mean they do exchange roles with the sociopaths doing the killing alongside the raping and the psychopath the raping alongside the killing but these are different mental states, my point being that they do not overpower me as claimed, rather than this mess of Celebrities handling my Books and trashing my finances had to be settled. They always claim that I knew what Celebrities were like, if I raised the point about looking as if they were the same as their producers, only to tell me the responsibility was mine to avoid the damage their mentally disturbed fans will likely do because they chose to pursue my income thereafter as well, the responsibility was mine because they were rich and could not bend into difficult corners to get me out, which is unbearably stupid and I am fed up with it happening again and again. As for what Celebrities are like, they are not usually like this either – these are criminal Celebrities and the other fools at Hollywood, claiming they were nice people who sought to buy show business while I had to be taught a lesson for spending my time to rub shoulders, were going to make such claims, run it off and figure out the whole thing via racism in the Police force, about which we know there was nothing they could do about the school shootings either way as well but they have figured out none and really love to address me, which needs to stop. None can tell me they see this every day, whereby a handful of people were determined to become rich and famous by tackling those who handled public service office to provide younger persons with a way to ensure criminals did not follow them around, either due to serving time for a crime or to commit crimes and 7 years of my time have been spent punishing me for the punishment criminals have endured, spent taking revenge on-behalf of criminals. They do claim the Celebrities had no respect for me and I do not want their respect – it is either their incomes will be something that annoyed me so much that I did something about the fact they had it or it will be the fact that they trashed mine which motivates me to attack them for keeping their own, as to make this less amusing: this is the result we get when they had a habit of showing up at a writers place to use him for some other purpose – people think he does something else, his Bookshop finances fails and he wants their Hyde.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland