They do claim I continued to deny that I am finished while I really am but I am not in any way whatsoever, just a bunch of utterly useless gits with very bad habits that will incite you to violence because it churned your tummy and their stupidities were brave enough to get close enough to your personal space to exhibit it and draw attention to their social issues – the problem then being that the Celebrities who put them to my personal space are preventing me from attacking them and trying to ensure they did not make mistakes that allowed me to, managed by a rogue idiot with a House who considered himself a landlord with gimmick that bore towards the superiority of the stupid abusive and insolent popularity children who tended to thrive only when they can rely on people for such nonsense and there was yet no violence because it went too far, soon enough once done paying it the rest while my time was taken up in these ways, my career, finances and even love life comes to a stop, then I find its stupidities with a social media profile that some algorithm said was similar to mine on the Internet. It is a matter I can resolve by seeking out contingencies that will allow me to lay out a clear plan on how I can ensure that Media employers control their staff or I did it for them – the history is that I am now too tired to take up such matters on account I have been spending my time at the backyards of Industry, preventing people picking up my career, it is not the first time that some stupid group of journalists have organised their careers in these ways either, first time round was the one where they were important enough to pick on me whenever they wanted to get around with wealthy people because Politicians were doing it, this time its just a matter of a profitable profile built to attack those who defended their career – has nothing to do with me as the only people that will support such nonsense were the industry trouble makers themselves but of course it does because they were entitled and their new friends will not keep the hands off their bums, while they knew exactly how to secure my attention and get their insolence to make me do what they wanted. We then had to listen to the complain that they had lost something important but the state of affairs between us was one of the daily insults and abuses of popularity twats and their fathers, taking advantage of instances where no conflict had yet existed between us, to claim I was too cowardly to deserve my career, while celebrities who will not make statements about my career only if they felt like giving me free PR, blabbed of the way I could never catch up with their finances while they picked up my Client service processes for gimmicks, to leave me with a public situation which suggested I was blacklisted, as people were aware engaging with my Books could be damaging for other peoples livelihood; it seems that the idiots have lost something and we needed an announcement for it but little prick continues to pick up my work as a tool that helps it gets into a suit to help Celebrities make more money, trashing my Bookshop and being a real man thereof. They do claim I should have expected these challenges at the Monarchy which does not come into play as the Government one was the part where they were always making a mess of the University studies and the livelihood, if not paying fees and bills, needed to get off fighting the wars and I did not see that any of my wars had been fought in the last 24 hours yet so far, hence it is not a weak point as supposed.

The question raised was whether this was all wishful thinking on my part but it is not, its like they say they had difficulty making sense of where I am coming from – in terms of the first matter, wishful thinking is not derived from a social situation where their immoral society had worked out a way of hurting others to gain market, right up to the point where their Politicians pretending their career was to be tucked in a vault and mine made available for gimmicks like meat for rabid dogs, then complain about the effects and consequences all day long. The consequences of this as a whole is that mine had stopped and their own had taken precedence up to the point where the insults of famous idiots with ideas about how I am to serve them, produces results where low lives show up to finger my bum and if I stopped their insults the abuses stopped with it. where I am coming from on the other hand if that long before I was 17, I figured I could keep these twats out of my career and finances and I could show others how to get it done as well, return to the UK and Politicians took note, whereby it has been a 20 year career mess for me, featuring society idiots who shoot off their big mouth at me about respect issues, cannot have enough of pecking me over my Christian upbringing, failed to raise their children properly if they wanted such things, destroyed my academic studies and are now pursuing my Bookshop alongside some famous idiots, like they want somebody making a memorable contribution to that stupid wealth and social inequality problem they complained of endlessly too. They claim I have been heard asking people for more but this is not what it means, they were lying, trying to escape the effects of their gimmicks; what really happens is that when I fucked them as well, I wanted more money for it. It is now a question of where they would like to stop it as such all together but I believe they do now understand that if they were keeping their incomes they needed to stop it on my terms.

In the end I suppose they did lose something alright and it was all such that we had to obtain an announcement for it but overall, these are the sorts of stupidities that are possible through the painfully clever road to schizophrenia German social life influences - a random low life shows up from nowhere and after a period of exploring my Civic duties to make sense of areas of Town it was previously to afraid to travel to, it becomes brave enough to deserve my career and builds me a public profile that fit a version of me its stupidities would want to see - there is yet no deterrence from the way it continues to show up here to get educated, teach its market and super market backyard money gangs what it learns from me and get famous on my own wealth equity public image. Her had to listen to the important famous fools endlessly; if I had to pay the price for their need to get involved with ageist goons with Industry on their minds whenever a younger people walks into an academic institution because it is the best time to remember that there were things they could do to stop their finances falling through - step down to the idiots that build communities which finger peoples bottoms to crash career and social life, then the criminals making use of my personal space, when I push back their victims took advantage of my finances while Media bubble was built up for every fool that engaged in such behaviour - clearly this important and should have worked out by itself, that if keeping to facts when it makes comments about my concerns was free PR, it really needed to keep its mouth shut unless I paid for it.

It was always the calculated risk; a lack of respect for who I am, what I do and what I had achieved, likely to get worse and worse but now it had to be clear that they were going to stop it on my terms.

They now suggest it was difficult considering their many efforts, what they had to do to keep me off the women – I could never tell anyway, I am aware their women get involved with my personal and social life on account of a degree of disrespect associated with an entitlement to do it because they saw other people do; the real issue however, was a matter that has progressed from abuses which suggest I am a weak man that finds a way to work for things I cannot protect, which was then the advantage the strong had for being strong and I have since ended up with a 20 year career mess, facilitated by society gossiping and lasciviousness, run by a bunch of gits who claimed that the biggest crime people committed against them was the tummy problems associated with being laughed at – it needs to stop issuing the threats especially if its social disposition looks like this, or it may continue to take the stupid risks and get closer to finding out what I am really like as well. I am told it does not bother me that I faced a 20 year career mess but there is nothing wrong with the career, just what they have decided should be the way people thought of it, they have run it off to a stage where they read star signs but will not give in to the truth that had been displayed if I am a Libra and had a personal life, career and social life that was entirely developed on a sense of social values, because of this I had no earnings since my career was out there and people saw it but people became confused on account their own was more financially successful. They do bring up the point about the way I described them as immoral society figures, claiming they had done better in life than I had, whilst the main problem is still that public figures of which I am one are more important than professional leadership which are more important than their famous madness – so if the complaining about me needed to stop, I would think that a process of shutting down the abuses was the best way to get around to it. It may otherwise prefer a result where it continued its abusive gimmicks because it was famous and ended up in a situation where its failure to make sense of what I mean when I say that it needed to solve its problems and keep the imagination off my bum and other private parts, led to outcomes where it believed I was the problem that needed solving, to show up here and say its  famous stupidities had unhinged the fucking rules. The blabbing about the way star signs like me usually fail to take control was nothing unusual – we know that they had a prolific thirst for this gimmicks where they did stupid things to make money off peoples careers, you cannot step outside of your door without facing several instances and there is no way that the public roads could be free of it, the Virgos, Aries and Leos were repeat offenders endlessly and they all tried to decide my finances on the basis that I was made to do something violent with the help of Scorpio who liked to investigate things and made decisions about it, will not take a warning about investigating people considering that Police work was a huge massive civil service department and the Government obviously felt strongly enough to build one that big, always ideas about the way I got to take charge of their stupidities, the part where it stops complaining because it shut down the insults and showed up here to read Books instead is not the part where I took charge enough to make sense. So there are three main areas where they got to make a mess like this; one being a series of activities that will saw me do my part when the Government engages with the engine of economic growth, to meet small businesses and cut red tape during investitures, the other being a wealth equity public image where women got to assist me with gits who spent money making trouble for others and the third being that the need for some people to run off tribalism raids into the city centre where they bothered others for 6 figure salaries after trashing careers to employ criminals in the neighbourhood for a social profile, had reached crisis point, their whole lives and finances now being developed from what they could do to betray me, so when it blabs about what it hands done to keep me off the women and the difficulty of deciding what it needed to do to achieve results, whilst at the same time maintaining an alliance with civil rights goons, to show up running people down and get rich fast like proper scum, then get off making business deals with governments that had poor records on social values and human rights for instance, there is no way that on the basis of work done to support armed forces and any smaller finance sources and career paths that service operatives usually engaged in, which I am said to be very good at, I would have been able to make sense of what its famous stupidities were saying in my direction. They do claim it was a mystery what I wanted naturally whilst I have made it rather clear it needed to be quiet enough for people to read Books around here, considering their need to make a fuss from the way that I needed to keep work done to support armed services from public access and a need they had to betray me on some public interest action I may have taken, in order to get rich fast – alternatively, the people who ensure it is never quiet here are public control problems and their actions posed a health problem for their famous madness and a need to threaten me over that health problem is set to develop into an outright clash or it was easy to say that after the work done to support security services and a process of keeping it from the public sphere being accomplished, whenever I had to deal with their abuses, I am detached from my Books and no longer was there a person with a profile to claim the Books, therefore leaving me without an income source. 

On the other hand it does probably wish to achieve a physical clash with the famous hence a need to perform these activities on account of what provocative thing my State provided security had said about its interest in me, it will probably then explain what will come of it later as a sense that I needed State provided security to write Books.

I am told it was all about some people who do not want me to have the power I have which is utter nonsense that goes beyond those stupidities where they follow me around to wreck my career and finances because they did not wish to lose an argument on civil rights that none asked them to express – never mind being a bunch of gits that came across people who dominated them for money and I should have been able to dominate them for reasons of family and matrimony as well for the 20 year career mess that had been created by the way they want to spend my career on themselves and therefore wanted the public to view it, however which some members of the Royal family had other ideas. The crunch point is still that each time I finished work for my Office, they came up with gimmicks about the way I had done something that was too important to me, the stupidities have not been paying the bills or paying for failings, so it needed a message that it was better for it to fool around somewhere else. Then we had the main point of call where the celebrities had forged an alliance with some German influence twats who built communities to finger my bum and decide whether somebody else could write my Books, run off to a point where they claimed I am a low life while criminals were better people willing to take a chance, make money and buy show business, on the back of the way they crashed my finances deciding the way their gossiping and immoral society gimmicks decided what the public thought of my Bookshop, this then had since progressed to an alliance with the criminal community that was a consequence of a need to spend the Celebrity money on organised crime products, which met up with my concern that if their security guards were effective, the need to pick up my assets and acquire muscle that will ensure I did not recover it from them, will become life threatening, therefore Celebrities must never feel safe, result being an alliance with the criminal community and less security. All would improve if their go lucky busy body media twats, stopped stalling my Bookshop for everything that tickled their stupidities and they stopped asserting their disposition for the deal they made with the media on my property and public image, much the same as their Government Office gits and Industry goons now know I am fighting back due to the fact that if my Office work made sense of the way competence met with competence of other public office work, especially from overseas and more so public work from communist Offices, lives will be threatened, it beats me that this surprises them hence the need to complain everyday, current social conditions being that those who agitated against discrimination wrecked my 18 to 65 business, whilst the racist made the most of any damage caused, an opinion about bad treatment by other members of the public was required of me by neoliberalist idiots whilst it had nothing to do with me, meaning I was wrong that stupid community was always a threat in the way it decided there was a special space in which all I did with myself ought to end up, showing up here at least several times every 24 hours, to pick up the interest of the German influence fools, as a tool for telling me it happens because I am a coward.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland