This page is to contain nothing but updates on my position at the Working Court (Link located at the FAQ Page), which will have much to do with degrees of delegation that I allow the Working Court, in order to provide me allowance to concentrate on my work and thereby able to earn a living from it, it will operate along the lines of the fact I do not solicit their involvement with Governments and State officials around the world as I am rather conscious of the fact that doing so will expose them to sexual advances which I will certainly find displeasing and that there is no such thing as a general access to me by media idiots - where fools make noise about their sense of balance at work having less to do with how much they put in and how much money they get out but rather to do fundamentally with whom to abuse recently to ensure they put very little in and get disproportionately more out and then you hear them complain about wealth inequality as well and look for more scapegoats that will bear the brunt for them which if you allow to go 'un-avenged' when they touch anything that belongs to you leads to a condition where they cannot stop bragging which soon get violent too because they think they can due to your present financial condition with a big mouth, that is rather something I do in order to keep them around and be aware they exist at all times and in every turn i.e. end product of years and years of a process where every turn of paying for what they get up to and what they are doing must mean that they do what they are doing with what I am paying for my way; properly - the Court is where I work, as per my duties and the relevance of my renaissance in the world and any facts required by the female journalists that work in it with me will be found on this page alongside other trust and permitted delegation matters concerning fans and book customers, which is to allow brokerage of equities deployed and traded via the books.  These are all things I have done to keep people off my work and to hold on to my leverage that I do not mind increasing to unprecedented levels; with which I ensure people conform to the requirements of a faith, of my faith, before they get the benefits or peddle it. Now there is that talk of how popular culture crushes my book sales especially from the US regularly, in actual fact what they suppose is too much for me to mention is the fact that abusing and isolating me gets to mean that it’s me and the world and if I work on it I can make a lot of money selling the books - hence the only thing they want to do with their time is plan how to add mine to their own which creates a process where I have everything and have nothing, while they have some things like friends and small businesses and customers which means they have peaked and then have some more regularly every time that they want to. Some of them even claim it is Natural selection and so like the old stuff about the French revolution being famous world over while before the Nazis they capitulate and do other strange things as well such as the fact the French Civil war after the removal of Monarchy was between mainstream French People and Socialists but today they are the best friends that Socialists have got which is convenient because it is costing others whom they also expect are completely unlikely to be offended by it too, not to mention the fact they did capitulate before Mussolini's Italy as well so it might not be said they did not and the story continues about how idiots try to make conversation and competition out of their villainy, I think it simply set out what the nature of my business operations will look like.

I am not foulmouthed or on a high horse or anything of that sort, it’s just a case of a group of people whose style of conversation and living does not fit my Christian model getting involved with me because it is carnally good for them to against my wishes every day and so for the older versions especially when they are democratic, any and every small encounter has the result of going home to self-check how old you are and how many things they got away with and hence the idea their story about my language and manners may stifle my book sales only has a fat chance of happening, especially for the American ones. As far as they are concerned their worthy and most important preoccupation these days is to keep open means of engaging in communication with me on their various needs, which they intend to replace my book sales with as a means by which I get involved with people and so will I cut to pieces anything that makes that their foolish existence operable as well, again especially for the American ones. There are those stories told of course of how what I say about Pornography can never be right but the reality of course is that what I have said about Pornography is much like that I have said about racism i.e. racists do not want to be me and likewise pornographers but it is what is being forced on them and so I had to set out such problems for people who do jobs where they take off their clothes is an abuse and of course that people ought to keep their insolent distraction off my royal property and public work and books and then there will be no problems, instead of such conditions as a process where each time I do anything some girl that has got weeing organs turns out to express the fact she has on it etc – that stupid media where they want some of mine all of the time apparently. And yes it is usually said I do not take into account my real problem is parliamentarians and not the Monarchy or anybody in it; I am perfectly aware of that for my part, the reality being that of the fact that the idiots there think they are MPs and that MPs are untouchable but this is the real untouchable and there is never an excuse for it, each one will be avenged. If they can touch me even as I speak each time I speak, then what are the complains they throw around all about then anyway? Of course I do not want any of their black peoples rubbish either - in any case of which the truth of all that power of socialism where people do not see anything wrong with an ideology that suggests people should always sit somewhere and wait to see you do something wrong so you might be forced to public disgrace while others gloat, such that when it is not happening the arrangement gets corrupt, is that if they were not doing such things as the Welfare State, the Church would be incredibly powerful.


Now that said, it should be noted that we all know Queen Elizabeth to be somebody who cares a lot less for the Prizes of the World as Compared to Her duties to the Country but that the Current Heir to the Throne does not share this same enthusiasm; the problems the later mother of his Children Created in her bid to create Her Children a legacy around the world exists in its own league, the problems he creates exists in its own league and the ones he creates in support of his late ex-wife exists entirely in its own league and the idea he can be redeemed for the Crown fades by the day.

This prognosis is derived from a process where HRH has given a continuity to a lot of proper idiots who love to believe they are keepers of HM sexual desires with consequences attached that they believe they can take out on anybody too and of course he keeps too many of them and they are convinced they can take their problems out on me all the time if they wanted (Now expired a State of Affairs - Date 22 July 2015).

They do say they are working all these things to achieve a process whereby I turn up in public to sell my books and then get killed for being the biggest problem their plans for wealth and social equality faces; I wouldn’t know – since it started from a process where I got hold of that stupid culture and society and put a price tag on it that drove them into a race against time to ensure they and not others cashed into their own saved up evil culture which is helping to pay off the deficit and courted me that much hate from them, not that I started it since their MPs always want to see people go up against them and get killed so they might give up their place in the world if others are in need of it of which we simply cannot understand what seems to be the bees knees with that stupid right hand side where violent people and criminals are supposed to have lived, whereby they think when they had spent other people’s time using it to discuss government and Politics with them it therefore means that what has resulted from doing so applies to everybody and everybody is likely to enjoy conversations with them on such premise; hence we all know nothing I do will ever please them and the need to stalk me and handle me will have become an asset which is now currently under review because we all know how the way keeping a safe barrier between people and them socialist idiots normally operates. So that they believe that after making them go on and on and on enough to ensure that when I write my books they cannot stop and rob it of credibility they are still talking nonsense about killing and it will lead to more serious issues since Christians are in no away aware of those who are actually being nice when their community croons hate the authorities for preventing them from handling and picking on those they look upon as sitting ducks and of course they themselves know our religion teaches none violence so we will happily hand over anything we have worked for to those who need it when asked and so they are the only ones that are prepared to kill as it were but the next time I hear this big mouth from idiots concerning whom I wish to live my life as though they did not exist, blowing off again, we will end up with another kettle of fish around here, so for the time being I can only say if they want that stupid culture society back and feel they have the fucking guts to get it back they can come round and do so.

They do say their behaviour is a matter of previous organised and institutional Injustice but of course we all know the reality about it is that when black people came to the UK it immediately became a case of white man must do evil culture to get rich otherwise others will do it for them and then white man has his life ruined because he does not want to and starts to think he will lose the entire Country as well given half the chance and it results is racial segregation - so that after white man has been rich, black man was too stupid to notice his opportunity arise as well and white man thinks he expects to be told and bullies him into that too and now they do not know which way to turn and think I am a target.

It has never been an issue as we are here in the first place because it pleases their Politicians to deploy high levels of government office to wreck my finances and place me on government support so when I worry about being cut off from it they can deploy that on media as their own version of the fear I have for them and blab about being able to do as well with those they can bully but there is nothing wrong with living in fear mode and completing academic work and business set up while at it so you can take a holiday and let it drip away and return to normal, except they have other ideas about what they will do with the fear mode and that big mouth when you know how stupid they are already and do not want to be pushed into a handling a weapon on their behalf just yet. They do speak of how I complain about forced fraternity but continue to support Church involvement in Government business but of course we all know that attacking a religion makes no sense except that they however have been having a go at the Church themselves and are in no position to complain since we all know that even the welfare state was built on a premise of acting to ensure the Church and Monarchy is starved of charitable work that will allow it wield social power – when I say it the whole matter with these fools suddenly changes to an amusing one that develops around the prognosis they never knew they were too powerful after all and it is the same story when it comes to their complains about how I refuse to accept especially in terms of their evil nature and the fact these kinds of attacks on religion is one of the prime indication they have a serious problem with people’s right to associate with each other and can be more evil a political party than we give it credit for, that people like gain from their fanaticism of Russia and Communism but have no wish to pay the price, which is such a massive mystery since any normal person would have understood that is what I am trying to crush here: - I mean they do nothing with it save chase my anus and penis and abuse me in sexual context to build rival empire to mine and confiscate my business connections – nothing else but, after which they regularly turn up in public to pretend that to them and in their company their activities and what I think or feel about it is something they find really amusing as well; Obviously they would love to ask me for what I have, love to ask me to share with them and wait for my response and it is not that they would not want to, just like the issue of being in a perpetual state of crime against others while there must be due process and prove before they are indicted, the problem with asking they say is that it will make them inferior to me and yet they are still confused it is their fanaticism of Russia and Communism that is being destroyed here as well.

It is usually said that I say and do what I am seen to be because I have a closed mind, the truth of course is rather that the first time they cooked one up for me it had to do with me being dominated spiritually first before I got anywhere near academics that will ensure I can control my future and shut down access to the use of my personality and public image, now they have started a new one concerning the Books I write which they hate and it has something to do with me trying to make money surreptitiously to avoid the threat I pose to other people’s freedoms being detected and it is a very difficult form of stupidity to cope with all together as it were. I do not think it is a problem; childish popularity get rich quick madness by which things are done is usually stupid unless those who work it say it does well for them and then it’s none of your business save when it is a threat to you, the serious bit of course being why the older ones must make use of my Books without paying for it, why it is their civil rights to do so.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland