They always say I am bound to get myself into trouble and I am lost as per which trouble I may likely get myself into anyway when I have told them the lies have not actually normalised a process where everybody I am involved with gets bullied, while stories are being told that will take peoples jobs and dreams from them as people cling to our income margins and especially so using media. It happens the way it normally does – first I get told I sleep with peoples wives and then the husband will show up to own everything I have and others will invite themselves into my Court, we see it all the time; even now, they say they do not have a lifestyle anymore because of me and it’s the fall out of me being the guy with a body type that can tolerate a lot of bullying while they set out ways of getting rich which involves passing the risks and problems to me and set about selecting their girlfriends as though they are preserving their genes – so it has now led to boys and cabaret having lost a lifestyle and are now cracked up out my league, no longer showing up here to ensure culture and society is never left where it is, if it can be made to show up completely unexpectedly all over my concerns. The Books I write are now being used as a tool to control me because they have a need and we are hearing frequent bragging about how they will never stop it while we all know it’s the same that happens to publicity I raise for a Royal Office i.e. they want to make money from it and need to avoid all risks and problems, while I have a history of doing things for free, whereby if I did, when it stopped and when  decided I was done with free stuff was up to them all together as they take advantage of something, now complaining about not having a lifestyle and feeling cracked up all the time but the process of feeling myself after dropping out of University because their celebrities especially cannot do anything without addressing me or officiating my Office with criminals, feeling myself as I have to react to the stupidities of culture and society goons who find my reaction exhilarating and then it starts another one on media about me being mentally ill, jumps on my public image and fancies itself a bully, as if money is not made that way with their mates as victims, it can never be made.

It feeds into the Terrorism stuff, where I am told if I think the idea they should all be killed is the correct process but I really cannot make a choice on the matter as I have none - the question being asked will be whether there is another choice, whether we have been running anti-terror campaigns in a way that means we do not care if they are using Human shields, whether they are prepared to die all together - bearing in mind it’s all organised Criminals and Drug Dealers and Murderers with a cause that is near religious. I do get told I make these decisions because I know nothing of what it is about and I accept that too but we all know that if a Police Officer had to drive for two days in order to reach a part of the UK and that it became a place where people too Cocaine on the Streets, there would be a serious problem in that area but it would get worse if taking Cocaine meant he got about shooting people as well. In the end its usually a matter of Politicians saying that these activities are alright and if they say so then we need to try and live with them but if they are the ones complaining, the whole business where I am not even allowed to say such a person has an adage or I will have my finances and academics torn up will count against them and their stupidities at the government buildings too. It’s never about chasing the lifestyle and spreading the problem like they feel they have somebody here to off-load the effects of their vices on - where such things are concerned mostly will be when I am told that my position on homosexuality is a do not see and do not tell while reality is that my opinion does not change other people’s personal lives and should not be offered where it is not actually relevant; so that we can see that what happens with homosexuality which can be one of the vices people end up with when they chase a lifestyle of vice and cannot return from it as Politicians make excuses then attack me while I endure the things they experienced once to become drug addicts for instance every day without turning into one and can be explained by the claim I am a low life, is that somebody gets into a fight with somebody else and then tells others if he gets hit, the person would be hitting because they were hitting a homosexual and we can all see there is reason behind that, same as the one that shows up on Gay Pride day as a Celebrity to display why community croons should be happy for him that he has me a Christian to bully whenever he wants, thus killing off his image of being a loser that gets bullied by everybody else; so it’s the Politicians saying these activities are alright, since these people do hurt themselves already the way we see it and then at some point think about hurting other people as well to make their pain less but might do it only if they had an incentive which Politicians never fail to supply. So they do tell me I play a  part in turning people homosexual while their usual response to a person whose abilities they have deployed to boost their income is one of ownership and bullying until their society is queer as well and a victim wants to sell it - otherwise the smallest respect for what others do for a living solves all problems for idiots who get involved and figure that if they backed out their ego would be hurt.

The reasons they do these things lay before us all the time i.e. the need to claim they are getting off to tasks I am too cowardly to do for myself and then it will involve the security services and then they will work somewhere around narcotics area and get to have some for themselves, this means they build up their muscles and toughness and are in a position to pick on those who already look like jelly because they are being teased via the lies that society tells with media – thus it is always having a go at me because it positively expects me to make it easier and we see it play out all the time along the famous idiots building up violent lasciviousness to abuse me by, everything they do is about my tummy and so they can make it smell all day and ensure I am unable to get anywhere important, so this smell will then get me into a difficult situation with criminals that I am neither trained nor equipped to handle and we all know it is not going to happen since I will rather be seen spending time on what I am trained to do too, I like to say enough have not died yet so far as it were. It’s never that complicated – simple matter of Officer and he has 10 persons under his Command, whether or not I am bothered, he has a duty to look after them but if 2 are the goons that are in it over things I am too cowardly to do for myself, when it gets complicated like it is at present, it will not get out of it and find something else to do, if it can work with celebrities to churn my tummy and get me into a difficult situation with criminals instead; so the Politicians can continue to make excuses, blab at me the threats the whole time as well, as far as I am concerned, I need more practical jokes. It feeds into the terrorism bit, especially when we talk about elitism and can clearly see that if the situation was such that 10 people sat over a table to discuss a matter and 7 ran away with it – there will be two outcomes and one of them will be that the remaining three get off to socialise, organise a protest, sign petitions, while the other outcome will be get overseas, get guns and bombs, kill people and we all know it’s the ones that do not wish to discuss terrorism according to what it is and whether or not such money as can be deployed for terrorism is available in this world available in their world: what they want to do is chase other people’s bottoms, pass around insults and build violent gossiping that churns peoples tummy, stop the victims of terrorism from living in the reality of what terrorism is, to ensure it stops creeping up on them unexpectedly and of course preserve their own bottoms and tummy and ensure other people’s wellbeing in hinged on it being preserved all together. They like to say my Books are about their parents while it all started with how I need to control my mother lest I get into trouble and we have now reached a stage where what I want is to see less of them around my Books, my concerns and my finances, so their parents can get about spreading word that others should be kept off academics and financial wellbeing until they are spiritually dominated and go from them to dragging other people out of University using society and celebrity – so as it stands, they are stuck with my livelihood, my personal diaries are full and the level of abuse is such that I am repeating what I have already written in it which shows I am not preserving anybody’s civil rights, do not wish to back off as it would hurt their ego and I do not care. There was a pattern behind my activities too and it was meant to clear everybody out of my Court, ensure those I am involved with know where I stand through social media and just get to sit down in an Office to write Books without interference – that way it can see me on the streets and superior to me with my public image with 3 to 5 bedroom flat arrangement that gives money to children so that they might do my life and career to get famous, blabbing the Man that was about to prevent their academics from being successful the whole time. What is being perverted here is the process where communities create the means by which they know where to go if they are in need of anything, so we find they are always whispering behind me because I am good at something – it has now been perverted into something about Celebrities like me but they like me as a mess that they can mess about and have built violent gossiping by which to churn my tummy and build me a reputation for making bad smells and have not yet got a reason for it so far.

In the end they say that my problem is that I am living on Government unemployment support but we all know that would not be happening if they had jobs and made an offer and it were jobs others could keep, not the gimmicks where managerial positions change hands every time being are being nice, which makes them look such a bunch of serious minded fools. It is usually said that I say and do what I am seen to be because I have a closed mind, the truth of course is rather that the first time they cooked one up for me it had to do with me being dominated spiritually first before I got anywhere near academics that will ensure I can control my future and shut down access to the use of my personality and public image, now they have started a new one concerning the Books I write which they hate and it has something to do with me trying to make money surreptitiously to avoid the threat I pose to other people’s freedoms being detected and it is a very difficult form of stupidity to cope with all together as it were. I do not think it is a problem; childish popularity get rich quick madness by which things are done is usually stupid unless those who work it say it does well for them and then it’s none of your business save when it is a threat to you, the serious bit of course being why the older ones must make use of my Books without paying for it, why it is their civil rights to do so - whether or not the Media is becoming terribly important because of it. The whites will be the ones where I answered the question of what my view of the Country really is i.e. if I stood up on the streets to tell people I am the Arch Prince, somebody would walk up to me and tell me I will be dead if I tool his life and career – so it does come down to the case of why it is their civil rights to make use of my Books without paying, seeing that it is the same group of idiots that will be hung up somewhere dividing lands and redrawing borders whenever others are involved with something unusual at government office. The ethnic minorities will be the ones that claim my behaviour churns their tummy while it is the lies they tell from the moment they step out of their door and the false witnessing that never stops, which purpose mostly are to ensure that somebody else gets hurt, never mind the fact when they are afraid they are so stupid that they need to be in a position where they can survive with their enemies while at the same time are able to control those who can manage the situation, so whatever they do hurts people and makes everything worse every time. I mean it becomes a question of when we started beating people up because they had a tummy imbalance in this Country and our air was that precious – the city centre goons speak of which interests they protect but never tell us what those interests are anyway, what we know however being that they have brought it in from overseas as it were and can cling to my public image and Books and show up here to throw a punch at me for my personal space that way as well if they wanted; we have never lived in a Country where it is okay to think of peoples dormant career as something you can handle, we all know if somebody asked you to assist them on gender inequality, it would mean being that gender with the strength of your gender for a couple of hours and that everybody has an ending and that it hurts sometimes, so you should expect to smell the fact somebody had some food every day, which is not what is actually happening as people are putting an effort into making sure they don’t – so we can see these are stupidities supported by scum that spend money fighting others and each time they spend it, whenever they think they can employ criminals in people’s neighbourhoods fill in the financial hole and not feel a thing for doing so, they will become convinced they can do anything they please. So how do I stop the Politicians going to their Offices to tear up my Books without making them feel pain, how do I stop the media snapping up all I do at my Office to ensure there is interest in my Books because they are looking after their own arse without getting complains from them of pain and discomfort and suffering as well, why it is part of peoples civil rights to make use of my Books without paying? Their friends in the Police force like to have a go at me all the time while the reality is still that half of them claim it is their civil rights to handle my Books without payment and the other half are providing a hell of a service selling every bit of me to celebrities and city centre idiots – showing up here to tackle my tummy because they tell lies all the time and seeing an Arch Prince when that is how they live hurts their ending too. They  say the matter is a problem for me which it really is; it’s an old case that contains a certain group of facts which involve people being scared of me and wanting to attack me in a condition where I am beaten down and unable to defend myself – which adds to the other part about my religion teaching none violence meaning that I had already started beating myself down and they are only making use of an opportunity, this then progresses to the bits where they want to get me unhinged with an ego that gets involved with the stupidities they concern themselves with every day, telling lies that ensure others get hurt the moment they step out of their doors every day and running it through the whole day while pretending I am naďve to the way their evil works all together, so the part where I get unhinged and have an ego will be the profitable bit where all I own exist in a condition where there are no rules regarding what happens to it and then somehow if they wish to have me beaten up by organising themselves into a group for it they will make that happen all together; where we are now will be the bit in which their whole stupid lives now depends on media and apart from all I have worked for being factorised on the basis of somebody else being able to beat me up what they say on their stupid media is the last word when it comes to handling me obviously but they will never have the media in peace and we are here because it is now part of their civil rights to make use of my Books without paying for it; they have the time for it and it’s even impossible to separate them from a career, they do not have the time to work for money and to take action on matters that can cause their children to complain about wealth inequality by working for money, so I get told that saying such things is not in the interest of public safety while they chose what they want to work on at my expense with their vandalism leaving me financial difficulties that can develop into a coward's bullying advantage they are obsessed with, like we see them give their own to the frugal the last time we checked. It’s all a case of civil rights vandalism habits and state office repression habits - so when they see people get near religious organisations and claim it’s the path to the habit the audience will laugh and we will move on to the next scene and a comedy show will have been born: It’s always fun until the victim decides that pillaging own creations to free up market spaces that allow them invent their own products where companies are being inefficient, to make some quick millions is not on anymore and they start a fight right up to the part where the fact they are global market parasites achieving new processes of abusive ways in which those who work for it and fail to run away from it so they can make themselves comfortable can be handled like what the Nazis had failed to achieve in a professional manner becomes really important, while they obviously will not have that stupid media peacefully all together. I do not think that these are difficult matters as a whole when we find them talk about me complaining because they are more powerful than I am; these are meant to be a collection of really stupid people who speak of beating others up all the time and then the outcome will be that they drop out of school and end up at an income bracket that will allow others some peace and quiet, unless little Labour Party is involved in the matter and then they gain some mobility that shouldn’t have, which is why I intend to set out some violent statements on my part to counter a process where half of them claim the law protects me from them which prevents them from getting on with life, while the other half need to handle me and make me react so they can make laws which protect them as well and I intend to make money from it otherwise this matter will never be resolved – so the earlier the Books get sold the better for everybody involved. I do not think that if I do it differently the Politicians will ever understand that others do look at them at Public places and wonder if they beat up somebody who just has a stupid personality, it would mean they were beating up a mentally disturbed person who has done nothing wrong as well, so it is important they considered it and tried to keep their abusive media and celebrity in a way that lets others have some peace. I have tried other ways such as keeping records on them so that over a certain period, I will be able to tell them off messing with important matters of mine by showing that for every ounce of fame they get is at least 4 ounces of bad reputation and criminal records come to light and then the whole process of trying to shut people up and make people behave due to the money the fame brings on which the expensive cars and homes depend require it, which amounts to a processes of hurting people for a lot of money but I had to drop out of University for that hence evidence that it will not suffice.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland