So, they do say that nothing I did had a real prospect of being successful, much as they believe we are all oblivious to the fact they tear down our lives which is a big deal, to facilitate people being picked up from the streets to attach to Top show business labels and help them make a lot of money on my social life and public image. So I am thinking that I want to respond to the abuses that ensure the little thing I did with a Royal Office to control culture and society goons, due to the fact armed services usually work in this cultural environment that a Royal Office facilitates, was never effective, by making sure the people responsible for abuses hated me because of how much I contributed to their wealth and social inequality problems while I annoyed Celebrities until Celebrities got into a fist fight with them, to ensure I stopped spending my days clearing out the consequences of idiots getting paid for being popular, which would have been the only way to move on a problem associated with Celebrities having plans for the way my body should be used to wade violence that bothers them, which they expressed on public media disobediently every day.

It’s much the same as it is suggested that I delayed action on most of these which I don’t – we already know the problem with Celebrities is the bemusing insults that follow every occasion in which a crowd had helped them force me to do something I don’t want to do or helped them create a perception that I had until more and more people thought that I had, it is the main pressure point when I think about this nonsense coming to stop the way I had unilaterally decided it should. The reality of what creates the sense I delayed action was more to do with Politicians who always discarded as much of principles as possible, blabbing about a religious person who had enough to bail them out when they had made as much mess as they wanted, to facilitate some political elation. The assumption is usually that when they do this, there were no personal principles that made it unattractive to gain from another party policy, hence they will win elections all the time, except what we have ended up with election after election is a hung parliament. I for my part had to follow the idea that when celebrities wreck my university studies showing up here to handle my concerns in a way that ensured I paid attention to them and they were able to hurt me, thereby never handling anything for purposes intended, I was the one behaving dangerously and they were nice people – so the follow on has revealed the way that we all find a job and we get paid for what we did and our pay rise happened according to our time spent or our productivity but they think about punching bags that will be tackled when they want to suck up to rich people and make themselves financially well off socialites that got paid for being popular by wrecking people’s lives – so in my case, the bloody idiots have already set out a way that selling products suggested people were enjoying equality with me that their stupidities had produced, which price was a talent show or a £1.5p  music track download action but the problem is that of how I moved on this nonsense where every time they engaged with consumers, the suggestion was either that I had lost something important or was that the consumers were spending money on them that should have been spent on my Bookshop, after which they showed up to claim the public had gotten accustomed to it and I might well have, as stupidly as possible.

So we see the part where it made so much sense each time Politicians said that the way I handled the Celebrity issues was good and far reaching i.e. they always want to travel from Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East and other places, show up in the USA to offer American Politicians prerogatives that allowed them handle my property for money making purposes, but the idiots have taken it to another level whereby they had built a lynch mob and a lying media by which to tell me new arrangements with stupid American Politicians indicated I was being oppressed, which has left me only the choice of making it quite clear the singular problem I deal with here appears to be their stupid civil rights and its popularity insults. Hence eventually I have settled up on such outcomes as a case of the money being used to dominate me in all these ways, being as far as I am willing to tolerate it, if they show up at Government buildings to dominate me with it alongside their foolish Politicians who believe their stupidities should be happy to take the risk and show they were important enough to avoid the consequences while I took the fall for it, I will ensure that it blew up as well.

They do claim I act as if I expect the whole thing to do away at some stage which is utter nonsense – Celebrities are insane and the usual cause of their insanity go beyond the kind of things they have done to me that involved meeting senior members of the Royal Family in order to obtain social license to handle my work and my earnings, it grows into a matter of their need to be served by an Army which leads to outcomes where they were exposed to peoples brains being blown away and peoples guts being spilled in battle and now they make themselves feel better by trashing other people’s careers. I could never solve a problem by attacking Celebrities for their insanity, the problem is being created by idiots with media jobs who set about wiring their gimmicks to my finances all day, having worked out the way to make the fact they are very abusive and annoying twats incredibly profitable. The boasting is usually that I have accepted that messing with them brings trouble, but so do I think this idea I was warned about this and that with respect to Celebrities conjures the idea the public had little choice range. However when I need to address it, then the matter was largely to do with the abusive behaviour being a cover up for the abusive behaviour that I have not seen, in an attempt to guess what I am likely to do about them and thereby get to do it first, the entire time which the media fools kept the salary and the Celebrities made a statement about not getting involved with me as though I were a writer, lest people had a stage to support me in terms of the fact there were things they couldn’t do with my concerns, while their stupidities got to keep their own incomes too. I too have now set out the way I want it to end i.e., these facts displayed on social media or my websites, so they can never move on until they had moved on the way I want them to move on.

Hence eventually it is said I never talk about the main issues in these but the main issues are glaring and available for all to see – the last 15 years of my time have been spent by the daddies, making a mess of my career and finances and now my health; they wrecked University studies for practical jokes, they wrecked work prospects after for practical jokes and I couldn’t forge working relationships with anybody, now they are working my Books, covered up with all kinds of lies and bullying that suggest I am the one doing the wrong thing. The part that Celebrities are Media play on the matter is that Celebrities ensured they could beat me down in my bed every morning and make me smell constantly, while the Media just ensured I got out of bed to see an updated version of these abuses and the insults that go with it. We have heard them suggest I work these matters like a character that wants to hurt himself and its utter nonsense as I know the Daddies love to grab things they don’t like even when it’s another person’s career, keep it somewhere unreachable and ensure it is never worked because they didn’t like it; the first experience of this was their behaviour towards my faith as a hermit and I had to understand they didn’t like religion and the only way was for my daddies to take it off me and force me to sell myself for a living or engage in Celebrity work – now they are after the Books that they believe their stupidities clearly created, even when our history is that they showed up here to mess with my concerns in order to boost the money they made through the stock markets and ended up worse off, hence as we can imagine makes their stupidities very unhappy indeed. The Celebrities on the other hand will continue these activities save I ran them down until I got results concerning the fact they are always interfering with my public life, to claim that I will have to be homosexual to reach a deal on how to retrieve it, meaning that the one barrier to all I do in this place is their civil rights. The Media ensured I got out of bed to deal with an updated version of this nonsense every day and the excuse for it was that I was disrespectful, as stupidly as possible and the age where I opened my life to them is now closed, involvement with me must be worthy based on handing me completely control and showing they want to be part of something important. It beats the imagination that all these was built up from gimmicks that would wreck my career and set me up at middle age for the abuses of their stupid children who wanted to be popular, to devise a more profitable form of show business that had come across hard times during the recession, but I do not wish to be guided by hatred. They do claim I am getting into more trouble at the Monarchy naturally which is utter nonsense as they have had these insulting and abusive behaviour for a decade and a half while I have only had it for 2 years, and it is was only because I spent three years working on a Bookshop and by the time I had finished, all the incentives ended up with people who wanted to build profitable show business for themselves, leaving me to look like what they thought to be one of those kinds of people who do not get paid whenever they did work and everybody should want to treat me in that way with a big mouth.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland