I am now told that Americans hate me which I can understand but that it is an apocalypse does not make any sense whatsoever; we all know that I have done everything I can to avoid a reputation for being the character from which people plunder some rich history that allows them to sell things and get rich in the land of the free without success as time and again the Politicians will build crowds for it and tell me it is still on, hence they entirely deserve whatever it is they are complaining about too. The other details will be about their girls darting off those insults and threatening me whenever they need money claiming it is part of their civil rights to show up around my concerns and churn my tummy – so we hear them say I make people nervous and we know that since they have had this worked out, they are always likely to believe in their ability to make a mess of my whole life and get into a relationship with some bad boys that will ensure all they needed depended on me and that it is the reason everything I have worked for have now been understood in terms of whether or not another person may have me beaten up when needed, darting off their sugar baby insults all over the place – it has always been purely evil and has this insatiable need to turn up here and seek to do evil things for me but those evil things which can never be done unless they were done to me first as practice that helps them control the process and I could never do enough to facilitate an understanding that this is something the Christian faith frowns upon and should not be seeking to get further exasperated opinions from me. The Celebrities are simply the story at the heart of it all, so their case is one of spending my personal life and public image on themselves so I look like a two face tart, then do it to such an extent that they no longer have self-confidence of their own, so each time I recover it, I end up doing them a favour where the confidence recovers, but then we find them turn around and start again over tales of an insignificant person that has allowed himself into their concerns, so it simply never goes away. They do say I was the sweet one which is utter nonsense – we all know that Americans getting famous is usually incredibly stupid. The Politicians speak of a case where HM has allowed some very insignificant person show up from nowhere to rule over them, which is utter nonsense – firstly the Office of an Arch Prince is not insignificant but then again, it has nothing to do with them either, so in terms of government it is an insignificant role but if Politicians have decided to spend my days on showing up at academic institutions to create setbacks for me until their children were affected then blame me for it and label me as a bum, I did have to show I could become lord of everything if I were determined enough for it too, because they are not really as clever as they make themselves out to be and tell lies every single second of their lives for it; they do always say where they have placed me is a conundrum but it is not, the matter of an insignificant person ruling over them is the same as we have seen their industry goons make stupid people rich on my public image, so they might show up to extract money from my property and end up having all the money in the world when they form an alliance with the stupid celebrities that they have given money to, for getting all over my Public image – so we find they have built themselves this history of criminal activity that has to do with damage and vandalism and setbacks around here, which they have also claimed is that which I have become accustomed to and therefore must tend to accept that I need to co-operate, so as to keep their secrets and do nothing about these criminal activities handling my Books without permission – at first when the consumers show up at my concerns and part with money concerning products they have put out instead, it does appear the consumers had all the power but now we find they are telling me it means that I am losing a Literary Empire to those who need it most with that big mouth and I need to ensure they kept away from the Books and had stopped following me around. Their people always say there are reasons why these things happen and chief of those is that they are in charge which is utter nonsense, collecting bribes from tyrants overseas and talking nonsense in Parliament smelling and wanting people to smell like that too especially when they think they can pinch some more intellect to tell lies by – ultimately the reason for their problems is that I am an Arch Prince and they are insignificant. For my part, most of their lies were held together by something they are doing with culture and society trouble makers and these are a group of some very disobedient parents who like to make out something that will hurt my bum and make me smell if I do not with haste follow up an activity that will fulfil their hearts desire, to add to the damage done to my property by these idiots, which put me into such a position, hence goes without saying it is usually made out I am bluffing when I inform them that getting my hands on it will be the end of it too; I mean it difficult to see what they hope to achieve with it but we all know never the less that equally as they leave out the fact they show up around me whenever I step out of my door to make a mess of my person and churn my tummy with daddy whiles that they have claimed they deploy to protect themselves from young people who threaten them with violence, so I smell everywhere I go, everything they complain about with respect to my activities were completely avoidable and absolutely unnecessary. As for the ones who claim I never take matters seriously at the Monarchy however, that was an old story where it never stops showing up to shove me into the deep end of the matters I handle at this Office with abusive public place statements, which we all know it could do without performing every time that it spends its time on such things; so they are never important unless they were doing some war or tackling some crime and I am starting to develop a state of mind that wants to target the younger ones as well – about which many reasons come to mind but the one that stands out the most will be the part where I target them because it is the one thing that makes me feel happy enough to keep living. At the heart of this matter has always been the fact that I am said to be a very manipulative person, so Women tended to use it as a tool for getting involved with criminals to make them pay, while their insanity and that of their children sets out to extricate revenge against me for it on Media. So I am because of it said to have gotten on well with celebrities and none can tell where it fell apart, which reality is rather that since last they decided criminals and gangs were entitled to share the wealth of the Film Industry especially, for spending money on it and claimed it is how it worked with my equities and Public image riding on everything, the whole business of Celebrities learning about me to understand the way equities that have been brokered to make films which employ them went sour, especially as there were school shootings and cinema shootings which were blamed on me until they had achieved their aims as well; it all went sour as it were. I mean how long does it take exactly to complete the academic pursuit, so that most of these counterproductive activities might be controlled, while some goons had made a home on media, where they get to decide what should happen to respect I get from other members of the Public – it then feeds into the claim I think The Queen is unhappy with my work while I am rather always having to consider that their interference means it is not fitting for a National coat of Arms and so have to push so hard a few months before Trooping the Colour, so that all might go as planned. So there is tensions in the US because of their need to make me out to be a character people may handle and use in a way that encourages discrimination and we know their imagination goes near my anus all the time as it should always end with parting shots that made their stupidities out to be superior but we know it’s a matter of evil and when al had failed with respect to how threatening me is linked to their money issues thereof how it should be solved, it resorts to the business of basking in the violent lasciviousness, knocking the heads, getting people killed, glorifying itself for the work it does for its master the devil and get the Politicians to gather up crowds and tell me those things I complain about all the time is still on, then claim the US is sacrificing relations with the us for some gimmick a black boy invented, as its fellow goons at Government Office take US tax payer payment and shut down the government to perform public service and making sure my Books never get sold until it is rich and famous with a pathological fear of work, becomes the response for everything.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland