The general colloquialism is of this case claimed where I have been talking about some hotel story writing whereas I have been talking about being blessed by god with a temperament that transcends a court and will need to look after it at home and at work or even a hotel room hence would really want to see an end to their corruptions of nuisance older men involvement with it. It has always been a story of how I must be prevented from being that person that can influence others without showing my face in public as the accolade belongs to older men and that complain of how I make myself out to be the victim after the madness I put to paper and called a book, which was actually done after I had dropped out of university and not before - so it is a behaviour they can easily stop as it were.

The general story is that I claim to be interested in matters of female community while if a woman breaks down because she has not been making any profits at the marketplace, I do nothing about it - which is an old insanity we are all familiar with, it loves to show up around people's livelihood and never does anything properly leaving a financial mess in order to make some money; it has always been full of hot air and likely to get about making a mess of everything to keep an eye on the national frontiers like an item it wants as personal property. It persists as though the public image belongs to them and this is what they will be complaining about next too (it does get down that serious area where people are getting involved with drug dealers because they are frustrated over not being able to peddle my public image and have built me a reputation as the person that does lots of fighting for everything and everybody etc and it's never really a matter of getting rid of one less drug dealer in the world as it is a matter of squandering all I have to do something for a girl - so ideas about women need be zipped as we all know they are insane and it has something to do with sales and cash; showing up on my concerns as though the public image belonged to them and having various reasons to make up my mind with, concerning why they should and have the right to).

It is never really more complicated than a case of goons at industry helping popular culture fools to money in order to adopt a disposition for targeting those whose existence they want to peddle and get rich doing so as a whole - they are now at the stage where the popular culture goons are rich and will do anything for them, hence the real problem is with the structures I created to ensure people like these do not squander all I have, which level of involvement with others is not surprising with respect to their publicly, sexually and socially corrupt characters but beats the imagination when we hear them talk about rights on it. So the general sensibility is that it all amounts to a problems I am unable to handle whereas these goons are not doing very well just like the idiots that love pulling me in several directions to brag about the effect on my health at a later date and expect I will not be ripping up their own as well considering the matter of whether my books and public image actually belong to them.: so it has dropped out of university, they are proud of themselves for that and should have backed off years ago.

It's the way their politicians put it to me - especially in terms of my games with media leading to the problems everybody faces and the support I am getting from the monarchy amounting to a process where people who have no discretion have their way every day; so the discretion issue of which was a matter of neighbourhood gangs and community croons that politicians and media idiots get out of bed to throw questions in my direction in order to expose me to - in means my route to my livelihood everybody is full of fools that want to see me in a fight and community croons that ensure I am powerless to fight back in order to ensure I am taught lessons which amount to a sense of respect for them.; so it's a case of gangs and racists will go away if community croons had stopped booing and cooing and seeing me naked etc every day in order to encourage them and soften me up and so on, not me - them and their politicians who are now complaining about discretion. Then we hear them say I am begging for it to stop which is utter nonsense as it can always only continue until the neighbourhood trouble makers can see them naked too - all I can say is that they need keep off my books and public image for their part and this matter is as simple as the fact it's them and their community croons and neighbourhood gangs, not me having a discretion issue and the outcome of that is not just that we intend to see what they will do when these goons can see them naked too but also that I intend to set up my book sale business anywhere I like and find out what it is exactly that is going to make it unprofitable as it were. Of course they do ask if this sort of statement solves my problems and people can be free now: which makes me wonder which part of it was my problem, when my problem is that while the above has ensured I dropped out of university on account somebody is claiming that people's rights looks like that, the reality of my problems are still that I do not wish to sit in an half priest office to write books that celebrities are most interested in, okay at this stage they are but do not wish to be the first to pick up a copy and that is good but it is not necessarily what I first set out to achieve and we all know that 80% of publicity around me, created by those who fancy themselves media and politics bullies has nothing to do with what I am doing which they find amusing - hence if they are asking. The other issue about my discretion is largely a matter of the bills that they are paying because they have got enough returning to burn them as it were, otherwise the respect issues would have been very simple ones and they would spend more time addressing their mates in public so their community croons do not beat people down and churn the tummy upside down while they are in bed, seeing people naked the way they do me at 5.30am in the morning every day. It feeds into the celebrities who need my help but know better all the time, creating this process where I was living their dream instead of my life, right up to this point where they are complaining about me too, which means we are making progress.

They do say they are happy to see me suffer for whatever, which is utter nonsense - when I first returned to the UK, speaking of the females alone - what I met was black women and a tale of the kind of person that will be gay and taken care of by white women, so they can own him later and create equality in that way, they have either toned it down now and are not doing so much anymore, leaving the remarkable bit where it was getting support at the highest levels of government - same with the whites who always want to be famous and need my life and public image for it or else they will damage me because they have been rejected, which happens because they have got kids and husbands that are bigger than I am, resulting in this outcome where they are all heartbroken and need to chase jobs more vigorously while their stupid society men now have to spend more time with women that are their mates each time we speak of female equality and feminism and if I see that culture and society around my concerns, will certainly cut it up again etc. The male ones will have begun from the rounding up of their kids on whom their future depends and lots of profitable as well as abusive disobedience that we all hear about every day - I am not the one suffering or complaining, what happens is that they can be ignored when people are not forced to pay attention to them by politicians and they can get on when people do not force them to pay attention to politicians as well - now that I am the one peddling their lives instead, they are fighting to ensure a book does not get sold and I am trying to find out what it is exactly that can stop my book sale business being profitable. It's all they get out of bed to do and the public media ones really go the extra mile - starts around 4.00am and by 5.30am you are beaten down in your bed by community croons who are seeing you naked and cannot clean up and be ready to get anywhere looking professional by 9.00am, meaning you cannot keep a job: I am not the one suffering, just working hard enough to do the popular culture through until I need the academic work the way they came to university to wreck the studies until they needed the popular culture.

 It's all just some great money madness and they need stop forcing me to pay attention to the community croons while if my behaviour is making community croons ill, those need to stop forcing me to pay attention to them too - otherwise these fools can always continue until neighbourhood trouble makers can see them naked too - I however am well aware if I were taking issues around the bits where the parents will say it and then older siblings and then teachers and friends, until the point where the judge will, which is usually the stage at which there is a police officer standing behind somebody to take them down to prison seriously enough to make the community croons famous for every provocation the political idiots push at me, which amounts to financial bullying and sexual abuse that happens to encourage me to get a job the way they want etc, nobody would be blabbing at me about suffering I endure completely unconnected with writing Books ort studying but wholly due to their involvement and very clever bullying. They would do anything for money obviously and I am unable to see why it has become my problem that they think in that way. There is only the bit where they carry on until the trouble makers can see them naked bit left and then we will see; especially in terms of my bit which is being jobless and having a hard time running the book sale business as we hear them yap about refusing to acknowledge the reasons it happens to me all the time.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland