Now there is a questions cluster of course about whether or not when we do Politics we take into account whether people are angry or apathetic or disillusioned etc, all of which is completely irrelevant for most of the time since the reality is rather that since Politics is about a manifesto which is made into Law then what people want is power and the only way to get it is the practice of various wicked things that help them towards that goal and hence when that clashes with the moral position of the law it is time to invent other ways of getting it done like alternative lifestyles and dreams and dreams and dreams that create an atmosphere which they later presume to deploy as oppression against those from whom they will gain unprecedented levels of this power should they practice their wickedness on. It is never true I suspect everything and think everybody is up to an evil deed or two – the reality is the same old matter of me doing some charity here or some low paid employment there being a barrier to everything I am whereas it is how I wish to live since the alternative is popular culture which I absolutely despise.

They do speak of how I can take on those who deal with social problems that are greater than I am of course but that is again half the story since it comes up endlessly when what I do to them for setting out that message their stupid violent children can latch onto that it is my stuff that is used to get it done is not hurting badly enough and we are not talking about my relationship with a working court they are a part of as well either, for that part the story I sleep with peoples wives will become the answer for everything. The desire to create a bubble in which I am stuck and get hurt by them for all kinds of pleasure on account some good that benefits the world is coming from, hurting me for a good reason that works for the greater good and hurting me for everything I do which is a good and not an evil thing to extricate the kinds of benefits they wish to gain from it to stir popular uprisings and power of the people is gradually driving the issue as equally as their insolent and frequent media appearances to do it and issue intents towards direct attrition as well. As I always say the stories they tell is nothing remotely like what the truth really is and I know this attacking me for every good thing I do to make me do more and more and more of it as per I get hurt for the good things I do because hurting me is what makes me do it and hurting me is good and ensures that it has to be done will never stop.

Now the part about what the US subscribes to and how I am deluded thinking there is anything I can do about anything that happens to me is very well understood. I mean at the end of the day the reality is a bit different i.e. they regularly wreck my finances in order to delay me from doing anything they see me do on account it is very important for them to ensure that I do it when I am being told and that I am abused every time I am being told while I have to do it, so their complains make no sense whatsoever. They can simply get up and report news about some property equity bundles I have written on my websites which has to do with how people in Greece are largely unemployed but those of them that are not have had their wages slashed by half and that it is about the way my stuff is which it seems I do not know and will be made to with a big mouth – so they never really tell people it is the act of carrying out such activities that provoke me, they want to be able to tell people it is a civil rights activity they are carrying out. The bottom line of it is that providing for them either by leadership or by help financial or otherwise or indeed any other way is a filial liability and they know it and always ensure that is the case because of the need to wreck finances and demand finances at the same time then claim it is a need to drag somebody out of their position of authority and drag them through the mud to humiliate them and make a public statement that will make the world a more equitable place and as I said never mention this is what annoys me and provokes me every time that they do anything that works towards that aim; I get surveillance because of who I am and when they get it as well any normal person would wonder what that means except them – so that we are now at a place where the great idea is that my security staff were replaced by popular culture idiots that cannot stop abusing me and that of course is rather provocation not a civil rights issue since it is not clear why anybody would want to do that anyway; I know my security staff have not been replaced by anybody or anything what is happening is about my literary empire and my business connections to that effect and idiots making trouble around it but they never mention or tell people when nobody asks them of what the US and its friends subscribe to and where I will never have an influence but they feel they must mention it, that it is something that provokes me into what I do to them as well and I have had enough of them and those inconsiderate nonsense and they will have their fill of that civil rights as well. So I am not all out there saying respect me or die or anything like that but as I mentioned providing for them in any way is a filial liability and the part that gets to me the most is the threat it poses to morals and religion all together; I mean the line is fine indeed between living in a way that ensures nobody finds out the way your thing works so they can cause you trouble if your parents are not as evil as they are and therefore will allow it which for me does not make any difference because my feelings about it have never before been compromised hence this intense need they have to keep me off money etc and actually living in secret and why on earth am I living in secret and on account of what? They never tell people these are the things they do to provoke me; they want to mention what they subscribe to and where I will never have an influence. This might be a good spot to end the fight to them as we can see but they have not paid for the damage they have done here and whether they do is that which only I have the power to decide so its prerogatives stay exactly where they are.

I do not see them address their Politicians that way no matter how insignificant anyway.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland