So they say I make everything so terribly complicated and it is utter rubbish; I don’t – what happens is that when people enjoy ripping my business like they currently do, I eventually start to enjoy seeking out those things that they end up preserving for doing it and then because I am a Christian, will not touch it, just acknowledge it and get about fixing the problems they have created by myself; the result is usually that they think after my acknowledgement it is still viable and by the time they realise it is not, it is either too late to seek another option or too late to decide what to do and of course I am usually left wondering what I must do to them to stop them ripping my income for fun every day. To it feeds into what people think I should share more often at the Monarchy i.e. same case of really stupid people and when the streets have a go at me I will remind it of its stupidity – when I do, they will decide they must teach me lessons with the media ones and when I tell them those are just as stupid too, we find them lean heavily on their parents finances which means their parents can spend time on their silly kids instead of abusing me all the time instead and the outcome is that they get the money they want to screw around with popularity and the media ones make more friends. Eventually they love their ageism so much and cannot resist seeing me and timing me for when I am not looking to turn up and make me smell etc., we all know I have a reputation and they have said numerous times that it is the reputation of the guy who disrespects his fathers, hence only an assumption they hope to carry on to a point where this claim continues to make sense. It feeds into the story of world power economics that we hear these days all the time, garnished with media tales designed to force the British Government to serve all sorts of administrative fools around the world but it’s an old story; where they do the world power government to such an extent that they need apples and we have apples but when they do find out we are the ones selling the apples, they leave it and go off to buy bananas and tell us we are racist; they will have been doing that for years, tummy churned upside down, blabbing about world power economy that will only work when they have our apples. Of course, there is a tie between defence and economy, that was never the problem; the problem we have is the insults of British Politicians – where the Monarchy will make it all easy for them and establish ties with China and they are so cynical about it for some strange reason a perverted cynicism that eventually when Germany wants to talk about world power economy it is a spoof of British Interests that Germany deploys for negotiation that makes it operable. We were ahead of the US and all of the EU in terms of solutions to the economic crisis and even I speak we still are but this sort of Behaviour generally means somebody then has to run around saving National interests from the insanity of the Politicians indolence and now they have nothing to offer the Americans, what they have is lots of insults they can throw at me about not sharing my optimism concerning how we will be alright if we set ourselves out and switch on the systems again; what we are looking at of which is an old case of eliminating the evolution of the UK that has to do with innovation, survival and violence, which is the real heart and soul of what we are like i.e. we were a trade route many times in ancient history and so were we many times in modern history but we have been in the EU for decades, still people are unable to understand how Britain works because the French and Germans are determined to ensure nobody cares, throwing up the question of why they continue to expect us to remain in the EU – thus if we are a tourism economy, then if we are not like Italy or Romania for instance, we are not fit to exist considering we are British. I would have been working on a project for three years, by the fourth of which the economic crisis hit the world, by the fifth have begun to place and experiment with some of my research but around the 8th the Germans will start a global leadership about my indolence, and it will become a future of very abusive insults i.e., if they get their hands on our apples, a world power economics.


So they say I am unaware people want to reject the Brexit and stay in the EU which has nothing to do with anything; the more important fact is that I want all my thought to be about what I read from the Bible and not whether people are chasing my bottom and my whole mind is spent on it to ensure I do not make a bad smell – the bloody fools; so it’s always about disobedience and provocation, nothing to do with the EU, of which it is not normal to spend time reacting to disobedience and provocation but it so turns out that when you do, you tend to have become the one that is selling sex for a living – hence I am always right save what people make of the tendency I might get beaten up.

They always say it is the fact I describe them as fools that is the main problem; I wouldn’t know anyway, all I know is that people who think that others will pass their exams and tests at University by spending all day thinking about what they ate and thinking about their chest and tummy and whole alimentary canal because others are making them have to be the biggest idiots we have in our communities; so apart from the part where there is a probability I might get beaten up, I am right and always am. It is as I have mentioned before; you may get confused about the meaning of their insulting involvement and a statement that says you are trying to make money selling Books that people who do not like you need but when you go home to do the accounts what they are really doing cannot be argued with. Same as the story of how I ensure the younger ones do not have any future of which the easier bits of this matter are that they stay off my case as we are not mates as it were, since it is obvious, I am right save the bit where I get beaten up. I have not begun their own case just yet all together; it will involve civil rights wealth inequality campaigner market parasites that need Politicians to hold down peoples livelihoods for them to make money with: if you go into the City to lay down foundations for a building and one of your contractors breaks a Pipe, it would cost millions and you would love your temper and call him an idiot – these are scum that appoint themselves to cut off all avenues by which you attend to your job and livelihood finding money can be made as supported by stupid Politicians on the basis of some narcissist happiness which is facilitates by a process of making sure you have nothing that is exclusively yours enough to make them feel inferior and we see this play out in terms of what they think justifies the reasons they go out to rip up people’s lives to please civil rights idiots that will buy popularity products from them, while the Politicians claim I stir up war when we are only talking about sacrificing my Business empire to make their own wealthy because they are in a position to create job and end the economic crisis, which means that the UK has a controversial polity and they can get used to the idea if only somebody like myself who has become intolerant to what they get used to is removed from the picture. It’s difficult to imagine that 10 years after the recession, these fools are still chasing this dream and living for it but it is even more difficult to imagine that even though those stupid business empires get to their head, just like their local fools who are incapable of being happy and need to make others suffer so they can feel good enough to share a lifestyle with people they are selling products to and tell lies on media all the time, how they could have failed to work on those business empires and showed up here after with these fools of theirs to find another way that does nothing else save cause me harm i.e. apart from the part where I get beaten up, I am always right; they are very stupid people.

I mean if the only point at which I can be wrong is when I get beaten up by others, does anybody really believe that saying my Court is not free for all and people need buy the Books when they lift the blogs and previews? It will never sound final enough and I will never look like I am serious person – so it must happen over and over and over and over until they decide they want to change; it is always funny until the Christian wants their City centre as well. I mean they can say it’s about equality for instance but if you had eliminated the part where you know they are seeking salvation at your expense, you are left with those images where you see MPs try to show they love the Country more than you do but unlike you they can actually make a decision about it but then again all the parameters used to control criminals are spent on you and when the Criminals get out of hand you must get off the Church which provokes them to do something about it or else with that big mouth: it seems to have become a question of why I like to refer to them as fools and idiots as if they are actually clever people and we have not talked about disobedience and provocation routines that let the Community croons find something to desire which is then blamed on me via media games as well either.

So here is how it unfolded - they said it was about the fact people do not want Brexit and people like me who give a voice to it think we are relevant; I said its rather about disobedience and processes of provoking me because they are incapable of being happy enough to sell products by themselves without being superior to somebody in such abusive ways and they said I was likely going to get beaten up and I am only saying that apart from which I am always right. I mean speaking of equality we are looking at the need to get out of bed and kiss goodbye to family, then show up in public places to discipline me for not making contributions to their incomes; I mean they just got used to an insult for it - so it does come through dressed in suits to make you think it is a clever person but is actually a fucking idiot and I have been bearing it for 15 years every single day. So, its talk with them all the time about how I cannot do anything about it but that is where it all makes sense i.e. dressed in suits to find amusing to a point where he is happy enough to be a sales man using a job he has got on media, to ensure others cannot do that thing they do with pride and joy to earn some of those pieces of paper with the bank of England governor’s signature on, which allows them go to shops to pick up values they can run their lives with; nothing but a handful of bloody fools. They do say my position fosters wealth inequality, which is utter rubbish; there are some problems that you deal with only when you have been publicly financially successful, not when people target and catch you early to simulate the prize of paedophilia and sex abuse, rounding you up like an animal and holding onto the public image of your person and property to prevent you from releasing money from it to pay your way like everybody else – thereby creating person who has no rights but talents that can make people rich and therefore wants to share it.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland