The point of all these it seems, was apparently that when people trashed my career to start a mini war over a small business I had later invented, it was part of a process of getting me to fight their wars for them which then adds up to the other whereby they plugged their stupidities into my social life to get paid for being popular and the money made became my career and social life nightmare. Stopping me from convincing them that they were incredibly stupid people, which I am set to do because they made it clear that they did not like being described that way before they set out to such activity as ripping up my finances in the first place. Prevalent condition is that if I five year old interfered with my job in such a way and made the statements they have made about looking to secure themselves a man they can abuse and insult and take advantage of to sell things at the market place and get rich, I would like to make the assumption that violence on Children was a form of discipline. It now needs to make most of its comments about its own public image that shows up on Media every day and thereby gets to its head, or continue towards a path that I have tried to avoid where I had to organise all I did at their expense and it was set to ensure when I was working for myself I knew it was what I was doing, when working for others, I knew it was what I was doing, when harming them to develop security for a Bookshop, I knew it was what I was doing and when I wasn’t, I could have fun. The fighting bits about which I have mentioned before – I am set to tear down all the Police had done for them and push them until we come to blows, the stupid comments on my social life and the mess made of my Books every day to get a response like this, which will be disregarded, set to ensure I walked into their media studios over their need to trash my career and pick up what I did for recovery as self-improvement. It is not a war on media as such when some people say I had to respect the need to have a media institution; these are a handful of characters who want to get involved with me all of the time and yet the effect of their activities, especially the business of going off to get paid for being popular on my social life, as a way of providing support for the criminals that came into a bad end due to general public security, is that I had 2 criminals paying attention to my business 5 years ago and that number is about 30 at this stage – so they had since taken their revenge and tore up everything here to get paid for being popular, the reasons we are doing this have not yet been made clear but I think that a failure to keep away from my Books, will add up to the part where the least that could go wrong is that they got to clash with law enforcement in their own right as well.

I do not think the matter a crisis; there are pressure points when it comes to financial and social wellbeing and that was a case of criminals picking up what I did at the Office because somebody built them a media bubble to play with, meeting up with another group of idiots getting paid for being popular on my social life. Pressure points for general health wellbeing would be a matter of the popularity immorality stupidities getting imagination up my bum and the stupid women that emerge from it to seek a man that they can abuse to sell things at market, while handling my Books illegally. Pressure points for career being that their stupidities had decided when they trashed mine and started a mini war over a small business I invented, doing so would get me to fight their wars for them. I have no idea why we are doing this after they were done having their revenge on-behalf of the criminals, I know however that the money which those who worked my social life to get paid for being popular possess, is the main reason I had no money of my own, which is by far not the end, as the money is to be kept and spent in this economy save somebody was making unusual Economic Policy at Government where they never had the opportunity to move it overseas but now really do, so we lost the chance to see what becomes of a process where they got to spend it, having gotten everybody else into a state of understanding that if they didn’t, others will lose lives. They do say that I am unable to see that people did not like me and I ought to move on but I do not like them either, even if I moved on, I would have to face the problem associated with the fact they had put me through hell to get out of me a process of adding my business market to their own, so they did not have to innovate or employ new people and ideas – I mean the first time round they became an issue, it was the way that I handled matters associated with choices I may have made to get myself into trouble with the law intersecting with the career I wanted and the way I got about mine annoyed and irritated them, five years later I had become a University drop out because I smelled and this happened on account I had completely forgotten about their interest in that part of my life, which prove to have been a costly mistake – now its just gimmicks associated with an inability to read Books when involved with an Author; so I do not like this kind of conversation, I am not a fan of it but it had to be done.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland