Now they say I am never clear on where I stand with Brexit of which there is nothing to clear up or declare as such anyway – the Politicians always do their best to hide all the most important facts about Brexit because they alongside their culture idiots have power over the rest of us, what we know however is that Brexit was a product of years of tension; the Europeans think the attitude of the British is terrible and the British think the European pater habit is opportunistic and barely criminal but the British lost the moral high ground when remain campaigners took over European affairs and have since never actually accepted the facts about the part they played in bringing about Brexit itself. They claim it’s the way I describe people as stupid but we know the same problems I was dealing with on hand comfortably at University, so as to court the kind of attention that got me dropping out as a result of their practical jokes, are the same problems that they are complaining about today like a secret I share with the devil, while sending people out to chase my bum for all together – I would happily take another description of this if it were offered to me and those who want to deter me describing them as stupid need shut down their own traps as well on this matter, if they have not dropped out of University, ended up without a career and are cash strapped for such nonsense themselves all together – as for teaching me lessons bits that appear to be good for the stupid self-confidence, I do wonder if people have not got stupid children at home to teach their stupid lessons to, taking risks with me all the time.

We see it all over the place and it’s always something that people feel makes them safe being taken away from them – the Police will have the numbers depleted and the pay cut, the Job seekers will have austerity measured out on them, I will lose the academic work because I did not think peoples barely criminal living was something I felt rather comfortable with – at the end, the goons need to be in charge and we know what to do in a way that will not affect their place on the limelight, as stupidly as possible. I have never really considered it a crisis for my part as such, it’s all very well blabbing at present, when I think I do not have enough time to raise myself a good retirement, I will get the funds out of them my way or their own; otherwise it could not have been so difficult for them to keep away from my Books and to stop following me around all together as it were. I do get asked what the main crux of the issue is and why I never speak like a proper stateman but we all know in terms of speaking like a proper stateman, the earlier times I spoke of this matter, it was largely a case of describing as an original provocation that people have created to target others and asked them to run off law making processes on over a period of years, such that at the end, when decisions are being made at the Law Court the best legal team and the best argument will win instead of what the Law of the Land says – this is one of the pivotal reasons I had to be seen off the academic work, end up getting bullied at the work place because men wanted to be important and to choose the least stressful route whenever I have something to do because the stress lends me the fear of stroke over the abusive popular culture, stock market and political opportunism. The crux of the issue itself being what they are complaining about i.e. people building up communities to run down the lives of those they wish to target when they want to make money without dipping their hands in work, after which they send out a person or two to conduct persecuted like I keep their popularity and their incomes here every single day – we are still where we are since I dropped out of University 12 years ago because I did not think it was okay when I was still young and had the energy to tackle it publicly, we are still where we were then while the same individuals responsible for all this carnage have not come up with a solution to the problem, as stupidly as possible. So I have continued to keep in mind that the way out for this problem is what I am spending my time on at present i.e. take away my academic work and finances because I think peoples barely criminal existence is unacceptable and I will take away all that nonsense they pride themselves in, concerning women expressing some stupid and financially expensive verbosity all over my concerns all day, making my life toxic, so that Politicians might be in control of the Public and yes, it would not be the first time they said I had a problem with the powers of the Politicians, while we see even very little powers at their fingertips, which help them keep idealistic goons from making their lives a mess because they worked in Public Offices is being spent on me on account I attended Church, no idea why anybody would think it was a good thing that they should have more powers all together; there is then the idea that whilst I say such things, I need them still, which is utter nonsense – what I end up doing is assess how much effort I need to put into matters bearing in mind they take away academic work and finances to claim it was going to be a good thing because mine already had looked like something that should be fighting and dying over racism to begin with, the stupidities of Liberals that we tolerate, right up to Obama gathering up twisted evil scum with power to churn peoples tummy and wreck the life and career from all over the world, to target republican with over my business empire, which makes all the other ones that form the fundamental basis by which we Conservatives find frustrating the fact some people get off responding to these matters in a way that robs us of our moral standing all together – leaving the idiots to copy it and make stupid statements that have no bearing towards reality when people respond to being provoked in a way that sends out a statement about government solving problems as they had taken all necessary steps to ensure nothing about their lives made an exemplary contribution to the legal system all together i.e. to assess if it has meant that I am no longer capable of running my own concerns because I have been thinking security from extremism and crime will fall on my lap when it was most convenient and how much backlog I had to displace due to years of being detached from my own life by incredibly stupid gits at Government buildings.

What we have instead are those tales on media that help them carry on regardless of what the deterring argument was being updated every day – so in my case it’s about the claim that I make a mess of peoples career simply because I do not respect it and I think it is a story that will likely end when I had completely destroyed their Celebrity culture as well for my part, it will be the stage at which they had stopped lying at my expense. They do claim I could never achieve such a thing anyway while reality rather says the Celebrities spend my personal life and Public image on themselves to get around with Members of the Royal Family pretending to be very important, they do it causing carnage around here and then ending up with personality problems and confidence issues themselves, such that when I take back the public image and personal life, Celebrities recover self-confidence and start again on how an insignificant person like myself would have had the effrontery to address them, as stupidly as possible.

They always say that the main problem was largely that I disturb the neighbourhoods with the way I work, which is not the case as it has rather been true that I had built myself a personality and public image that will prepare me for the peace and quiet of a writer’s life and this is where all the things people need to know to be important, to be able to look like an important person, to have the bearing of a successful person and even to get their beauty sleep will be extricated, never mind the children needing it to pass exams in school and maintain the fact they are superior to me, then become famous thereafter – so I have been playing as well since they had promised I will not have this peace and quiet in a writers office if I sought it in hell. It is nothing unusual; the same old case of demanding respect from important people over a sweet ancient thing that churns the tummy and hurts the bottom, while people struggle to maintain public security at a Government Office as they rage out of hand, like a secret we have been forced to share with the devil in our lives and claim it is what everybody’s civil right looks like as well and do not know when people have hinted against their corruption of involvement.

They always make those excuses that the main problem is my inability to cope with the existence of a Political system as equally as they have been too naďve in terms of not paying too much attention to the Establishment, which leaves inferior ordinary members of the Public like me to get off hugging it. The truth however is that the Political system and the Monarchy both have the same effect on each other and this means those who lack in what they should be doing feel the burn all the time – what has been happening instead for some time now is a clash between Monarchy that wants to preserve the good things in the Country especially its people, and so that those who have some special abilities can be selected for tasks of National interest and a Political system that is out for its own self and baying for blood as it can never have enough, so it’s not really fair to claim others cannot tolerate its existence all together. In terms of ordinary people hugging the Monarchy however, an example is what happened at University i.e. the part of my loss at academic pursuits which I was responsible for really had something to do with the fact I was not necessarily an A grade student but they and their women who want to wee on others would never let it be either – so I was falling a bit behind on some calculous with respect to my economic studies and Essay writing with respect to my Legal studies, otherwise I was doing well elsewhere, needed some extra classes for maths and some to spend more time in the University because a broadband dongle at the time cost about Ł260, but it will never let it be, showing up here was always a war, a war to make use of my personality and they could never have enough, with my stupid Mum telling them others should be doing my fame and academic work as I was too inferior for it and their stupidities had her blessing the whole time – so it dis translate to a business of being given an insignificant role which when turned into something special means others hug the monarchy while superior Politicians had been blind to the opportunities. They do tell me the academic pursuits will never be achieved right away but in the same way have I maintained that letting me my space and giving me some peace which is good for them and me can be attained this very second and that it would not kill them if I had 24 hours of what people thought of me being my Books, not their stupid problems and love based insulting distant violence designed to maintain the old case of secrets I appear to be sharing with the devil, as stupidly as possible. They have thought I am asking the Political system for peace and quiet naturally but we all know what I am referring to is the fact that this is not their lives and I do not write their Books, therefore would fancy their local idiots gave me the rest of my time in this world, solely for my Books, public image, fame and my academic achievements and nothing else, it is not too much to ask – the same way they got involved with me because they claimed to have been so persecuted there were women who had not slept in years, not that I approved their involvement but now we see that having extricated beauty sleep at my expense, my time is spent on industry narcissism that has come to make them money by getting media to make me give up my earnings, while they ran off some stupid shopping channels in the wee Hours every day, explaining exactly why they never got the beauty sleep and wanted to take advantage of some kid who looked like peace and quiet for it all the time.

I am always being judged about my position and how unworthy of it I am thereof but we know I am not getting support from them for the business of completing Royal duties whether I have the money to do so or not, as equally as we know that when I am seen doing anything on National security, they become more interested in setting out the idea that I have accepted liability for what happens to service operatives on the field and can never stop making out they fight my battles when they do any of theirs as well, for those of them who have positions at the Monarchy, such that when I do not respond to the business of hurting some bad person who then picks on the person that benefited from the act, it’s hurting bottoms galore all over the Country – wondering if it is possible that people could stop doing that.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland